Wow. Friday’s Radiogram didn’t pull any punches. It all but said (1) remote learning is a joke and (2) a LOT of parents and teachers are FINALLY realizing this and are scared (rightfully so) that their “remote learning kids” are falling WAY BEHIND everyone else.
So, keeping kids home to “learn” on the computer was a massive mistake?
Gee….who wouldda thunk it?? Oh yeah….I did. Right HERE 12 days before school started.
I also said it HERE and then posted data HERE. There was plenty of evidence for all this back in June, for crying out loud!
While all these mountains of evidence were growing and easily researched, fools like Bruce Haywood were BRAGGING that he wouldn’t let his kid return to school

I even wrote an entire post entitled “Idiots Like Bruce Haywood Are Going To Cost The Rest Of Us A Fortune” back on July 13th. I predicted that keeping kids home and letting them “remote learn” was a costly joke that would come back to bite these kids in the ass when they fell far behind everyone else.
So now, all these dummy Covid Cult parents will demand special accommodations and scream bloody murder when their kid fails this year. The kids of the SMART parents will be punished as teachers have to spend extra time on the kids whose dumb parents kept them glued to a computer for the last 2.5 months.
As usual, the morons of the world completely screw it up for the rest of us.
“Educators agree the best way to teach children is in person, however due to issues with the Covid-19, many students are remote, or virtual learning. The Dallas Morning News reported on September 3rd that the number of students in Texas that never engaged in their remote learning was 100,000, and 20,000 students were unable to be contacted. More than 2 million public school students are already attending in-person classes, doubled from the start of the school year. However, Texas has about 5.5 million students total.”
According to the Texas Tribune, as the extent of students’ struggles become clear, parents and superintendents are increasingly determined to get students back to school, the pendulum of their worries swinging away from health risks and toward the risks of students not learning at all. “Districts are starting to feel some real internal pressure as educators,” said Joy Baskin, legal services director at the Texas Association of School Boards. “If they feel that there’s enough momentum around getting everyone back, I think that’s their preference.”
Dr. Rascoe of Lampasas ISD shared this with Lampasas Radio “We are continuing it (remote learning) for now but have made several improvements. We have seen a significant increase in the number of students who returned to in person learning this grading period, thus there aren’t as many students using remote learning. We have set greater expectations for remote learners as well and that has helped increase the validity of the program.
I love it. Some nice weasel words in there. Let me translate:
“The pendulum of their worries swinging away from health risks and toward the risks of students not learning at all.“
Translation: “a lot of scared rabbits who were acting on pure emotion and hysteria and using ZERO critical thinking skills are FINALLY coming out of their stupor and realizing how stupendously badly they assessed the risk of dying versus the risk of their kids being ignorant morons who will be failing all the standardized tests this year”
“We have set greater expectations for remote learners as well and that has helped increase the validity of the program.“
Translation: “remote learning is a complete fucking joke and we kinda skated by with it last March/April/May but it is now impossible to hide the vast chasm between the kids in school and the kids in their pajamas all day eating potato chips.”