Ramaswamy Not Afraid To Call a Spade a Spade.

Also not afraid to call a man a man – even if he is mentally ill and thinks he can get pregnant.

Simple, concise and all truth:

1. God is real.

2. There are two genders.

3. Human flourishing requires fossil fuels.

4. Reverse racism is racism.

5. An open border is no border.

6. Parents determine the education of their children.

7. The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.

8. Capitalism lifts people up from poverty.

9. There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four.

10. The U.S. Constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history.

If this guy somehow gets elected and ALL he does is slash the federal bureaucracy by 75% and rein in the other 25%, he will have been the greatest president in history.

He has also promised to free Edward Snowden and Julian Assange – which is huge for me. Trump had every chance to do this and didn’t. Instead he pardoned that piece of shit Blagojevich, which I will never understand.

GOP debate next Wednesday at 8pm Lampasas time. I’m hoping that fat piece of shit Chris Christie will show up so Vivek can mop the floor with him.

Presidential Election Odds

Odds to be elected president in 2024.

Current bid/ask markets on a $100 payout:

Biden: 25-34 (2-1 odds)

Trump: 23-31 (5-2 odds)

Newsome: 5-10 (13-1 odds)

DeSantis: 4-8 (14-1 odds)

RFK: 3-7 (15-1 odds)

Ramaswamy: 3-7 (20-1 odds)

Big Mike Obama: 1.5 – 4 (25-1 odds)

Camel Toe Harris: 1 – 3 (35-1 odds)

Field: 1-3 (35-1 odds)

My predictions, which mean absolutely nothing and are likely to be completely wrong:

Biden will not be the Dem nom. The knives are clearly out for him – even the MSM is reporting on his corruption now. Clearly, somebody wants him gone. But they have a Kamala problem. She is hated even more than Hillary and has proven herself retarded so many times that she is unelectable. The cackle alone has sunk her. How will they solve this? I don’t know. Rumors are that Newsome appoints her to the California senate seat held by the 90-year-old evil twat vegetable Diane Feinstein and that is the quid-pro-quo.

Here’s how the conversation goes:

“Kamala? Face facts – you will never be elected prez. You are a moron who sucked her way to this position. We’ll let you step in as prez for a few months when Biden resigns over health/corruption issues – so you can go down in history as the “first female president” and make Hillary’s head explode….but you will not run next year. You will take the CA senate seat and hold it for the next 32 years and, quite frankly, do a LOT more damage to the country over that time. Take the deal or your career is completely over.”

The heir apparent is Newsome. He is just like Justin Trudeau: a complete moron empty suit, has connections to establishment (Pelosi), is a WEF shill, and green energy zealot who will destroy the U.S. the same way he has destroyed California….but millions of idiots females will vote for him without thinking because “he is just so handsome looking!”

Which is why women should not be allowed to vote, as I have argued many, many times before.

They will never EVER let RFK have the Dem nom. Ever. They will cheat him out of it if necessary as they cheated Bernie Sanders. They are already painting RFK as an antisemite and a “kook” because of his “controversial” (i.e. “correct”) take on the fake vaccine and the damage it is doing.

RFK is wrong about just about every topic (he loves renewables and is a global warming zealot) but he is 100% correct on the “vaccines.”

Does RFK run as an independent and throw everything into chaos? Very possibly! Who will that hurt more? Probably Newsome but who knows.

Will Trump pick RFK as a running mate, as many suggest? I say NO WAY. Trump has still not apologized or taken any blame for Fauci and the shitty “vaccine” he pushed. I doubt he ever will. RFK is an outspoken critic of the “vaccine” – therefore, I can’t see the two of them coexisting on a ticket.

I love Ramaswamy. By far the sharpest and most well-spoken of the candidates. One of his main planks is slashing the federal work force by 75% and getting rid of all those Deep State parasites. He has outlined several ways he can do this, and has gone into GREAT detail. He’s an outsider and successful in the real world of business.

It seems Vivek has gone out of his way NOT to antagonize Trump or criticize him too harshly, so I can see him accepting a VP offer as a stepping stone to the presidency in 2028.

You can donate to Vivek’s campaign at Vivek2024.com

I can see Trump latching on to Ramaswamy as a running mate. Of course, I’d rather Trump drop out now and just turn into a James-Carville-like attack dog for guys like Ramaswamy but his ego is too big to allow that.

I suspect Trump will win the primary, unfortunately (he is being made a martyr) and then go on to lose to Newsome in the general – and the lib cheating will be WAY more in-your-face now as they got away with it once before. States like Texas are all over election security and results will be as expected. But the shit holes like Atlanta, Philly, Madison WI, etc are still just fine with ballot harvesting and drop boxes and mail-in ballot abuse because their state legislatures are still run by communists who know the drill.

Of course, we are 15 months away and anything can happen.

I also don’t discount “Big Mike” Obama “riding to the rescue” when the Dem nominations turn into a circus with RFK, Biden corruption, etc. She has said repeatedly that she doesn’t want to run for president. That means nothing.

Big Mike’s husband would love nothing better than to get back into the White House and finish destroying this country as the right-hand-man to his husband Michael. The fact that the Dem convention is in Chicago makes me wonder if this is true. Chicago is Obama’s home turf. Why else have your convention is such a crime-ridden shit-hole? Makes you wonder.

Big Mike’s odds have dropped from 125-1 over a year ago to 25-1 now – so SOMEBODY out there must be thinking like I am.

I have managed to get Big Mike Obama and Newsome at very good odds over in the UK through a friend of mine over the last year or so. Obama at 125-1 and Newsome at 50-1, so I am talking my book here, somewhat. I have placed ZERO bets on Trump or Biden, as I don’t see either one winning a general election. It is a great year to pick some long-shots out there since the odds on Biden and Trump are so short right now.

According to PredictIt, there is a roughly 75% chance that either Trump or Biden will be elected in 2024. I absolutely LOVE selling that price. You are essentially buying “any other person on the planet to be elected besides Biden or Trump” and you are getting 3-1 odds. I think it should be more like +140, so there is HUGE edge there. If you sold 100 of those and raked in $7,500 you are only risking $2,500 on the downside if Trump or Biden wins.

AND, I don’t mind losing $2,500 if Trump somehow wins because it is worth WAY more than that to me to see liberal heads explode over a Trump win. Grady Lucas and Bruce Haywood would both drop dead of coronaries. DEFINITELY worth $2,500 just right there.

I also have “GOP to win the 2024 election” at +150. I just cannot believe the Dems have a 60% chance of keeping the White House with the economy in the shitter and about to get shittier. Odds should be closer to 50/50.

We shall see.