Remember The Corvive Scam??

I can’t believe it’s already been FOUR YEARS since a bunch of morons and scammers tried to convince a bunch of poor saps that they’d become rich selling Corvive pyramid scheme crap.


A sex offender, a couple of morons and a midget. What a crowd! Just the guys you can trust to make you rich!

Reminder: nobody got rich except the fat midget scumbag who started the pyramid scheme. Everyone else got screwed. NEVER join a pyramid scheme!!

Actual explanation of scam once posted on a whiteboard at Toupsies restaurant circa 2019:

Hey everyone! Just get FOUR other people to join the scam, and we’ll all be rich!!!!

BAHAHAHAHAHA! Grown men fell for this shit. Pathetic.

Poor Eager Beaver CorVivers Just Can’t Catch a Break

It’s been a while since I poked fun at the CorVive crowd…mainly because the “crowd” has dwindled to just a few suckers left holding the pyramid-shaped bag with a garage full of over-priced CorVive laxatives. But I just couldn’t pass this up – way too funny.

A few days ago, I saw an article headlined “Top Ten Worst Resorts For Food Poisoning”. Since I am a worldly Lampasshole who frequently travels internationally, I figured it was worth a look.

Number three on the list was “Riviera Maya, Mexico” and it kept ringing a bell with me, but I couldn’t immediately remember where I had seen that resort before. Then it hit me: THAT is the “prize” that Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts dangles out for the CorVive suckers who suck the most chumps into his CorVive scam!! LOL. What a guy! Not only is he a scumbag, he is a CHEAP scumbag.

What’s the prize for the year after this one? Haiti? Or maybe Hurghada Egypt?? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Nice burn job, Meatball Fouts.