Yes, Potato Head Stephanie Fitazharris, These Kids Are Pussies

“It has come to my attention”. Jesus lady, you really think you’re in charge of the planet, don’t you? A year and a half of telling everyone to wear a mask and get vaccinated and generally playing a mini-Hitler douche will do that to a person, I guess.

Hedge a bet? I think you mean MAKE a bet, idiot. Middle-aged potato-head cow trying to sound cool and failing badly. You HEDGE a bet by taking some secondary action to lock in profit on the original bet, dipshit.

I’m sorry, but kids in the 18-22yo age group have about 250,000-1 odds of dying from Covid. Their chances of dying in a car crash are about 50 times higher. Therefore, if you are in the 18 to 22yo age group and scared to go outside without a piece of cloth on your face (which has been PROVEN to be useless), that means you are clinging to a security blanket – and are therefore a pussy.

Young adults don’t need security blankets or teddy bears. Unless, of course, they are actually pussies.

Any college kid wearing a mask SHOULD be berated and mocked. Because they are definitely being a pussy. If some kid was walking around in water wings at age 21 because there was one chance in a million that a flood might happen, I’d call him a pussy too.

Let’s face it – sometime you gotta call a pussy a pussy. If I was on a fishing trip and some kid was scared to bait a hook and called it “icky”, he is a pussy. There is simply no other way to put it.

Afraid to run from the house to your car in the rain without an umbrella? Pussy.

Won’t do a shot of whiskey with your boys on a camping trip? Pussy.

Scared to shoot a shotgun? You guessed it…..pussy.

I’d probably throw “doesn’t know how to drive a stick shift” in there, too.

Of course, Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris raised a kid who turned out to be a total pussy, so it is unsurprising she is unable to identify other pussies. Half the reason we are in this Covid mess and people are afraid of their own shadows is because parents like Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris raised a bunch of pussies and unleashed them upon us. Pussies can’t think for themselves – so we have 23-year-old girls driving in cars by themselves with masks on.


If your kid has green hair, lives in Oregon, loves communism and whines publicly that he is too stupid/poor/lazy to get “art supplies” on his own at the age of 31, then you have raised a pussy.

If this isn’t a pussy, then I don’t know what is

This is what happens when your idiot mom fills your head with liberal horseshit from a young age and withholds spankings – you think there are no genders and you dress like an androgynous retard….which makes you a pussy.

Pussies cannot use logic. They think that if t-shirts, rocks and bowling balls have no gender, then OBVIOUSLY people don’t either. You REALLY did a number on this kid, Potato Head. Christ.

One final point – proof of vaccination at a football game means absolutely nothing in terms of stopping any spread. We NOW know that the vax isn’t worth a shit. Vaxxholes can still spread the disease AND get sick AND die. So what is the point of getting it? In fact, vaxxholes can carry 250x the viral load of non-vaxxed and it is likely this latest surge is actually CAUSED by vaxxholes taking a “leaky vax” and making things WORSE. You vaxxholes are actually the super-spreaders!!

You know what you call the people who ran out like scared rabbits and got the vaccine even though they were young and healthy and probably already had Covid and recovered and whose natural immunity is FAR STRONGER than the vaccine? People who were willing to trade their freedoms for perceived safety?

That’s right. Pussies.