Get Your Property Appraisals Yet?

Oh joy!

I don’t think the assessors got the message that the bubble has burst. Last March was the top in real estate. Prices are down 10% to 15% since then.

Just ask Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris – who has had to lower the price on her Potato Patch in Austin from $999,999 down to $889,000 and it still hasn’t been sold.

Next stop $849,999, right Potato Head?

If you are unfortunate enough to live in Burnet County, then you are getting bent over even harder. Somebody has to pay for Keith McBurnett’s OUTRAGEOUS $205,000 salary – which is 20% higher than our own overpaid “Doctor” Chane Rascoe for the exact same number of students.

McBurnett is required to work 226 “duty days” per year. He also gets health insurance for “free.” So he is costing the taxpayers close to $1,100 per day for teaching zero kids. Nice work if you can get it.

There are some who bitch and moan about property taxes, even as they constantly demand the schools spend more.

Local retard Bruce Haywood was LOUDLY proclaiming that kids should NOT be going back to school during Covid in the summer of 2020 and held his own kid out of school. I predicted (quite correctly) that this was going to be a disaster and that morons like Bruce were going to cost the rest of us a fortune when remote learning failed. I wrote about it in July of 2020:

Idiots Like Bruce Haywood Are Going To Cost The Rest Of Us A Fortune

THEN, Bruce had the balls to complain about property taxes under Abbott! This was when he was cheerleading Beto for Governor last year:

But guess what? Bruce Haywood not only hasn’t filed federal taxes “for over 23 years…LOL”…

But Bruce Haywood ALSO PAYS $0.00 IN PROPERTY TAXES and has not paid anything in a VERY LONG TIME.

So to recap:

Bruce Haywood (1) demands the schools spend more all the time – school lunches, free this, free that, remote learning, etc (2) Bruce Haywood complains about high property taxes and suggests we elect a raging libtard named Beto to fix this problem (3) Turns out Bruce Haywood pays ZERO federal taxes, ZERO state income taxes (since Texas has none) and ZERO PROPERTY TAXES.

Funny though. Bruce has plenty of money to buy a brand-new pickup truck every couple of years. This is the same guy who wanted a solar farm here to “save the planet” but drives a gas-guzzling pick-up truck, even though he doesn’t need it at all.

This is the very definition of a PARASITE. Bruce is a scumbag, a piece of shit and a hypocrite. Fuck you, Bruce.

Burnet School Superintendent Makes $205,000 Per Year. BEFORE All The Recent Raises!

But yeah…keep telling me that the schools are underfunded. Tell me again when you get your property tax estimates in a couple of weeks.

You might remember Keith McBurnett. I wrote about him a while back:

Keith McBurnett, Superintendent Of Burnet CISD, Is a Wildly Overpaid, Opportunistic, Worm-Filled Turd.

Well, that was then. This is from 2022:

THIS bullshit is why we desperately need school vouchers. The corrupt teachers unions and make-work Nerf job holders like McBurnett and Rascoe are strongly against that, of course. That’s because they are slugs who are afraid to compete in a free market for education. The free market would quickly eliminate overpaid bullshit positions like this and money would flow to the best teachers while the dogshit teachers got fired and ended up bagging groceries at HEB.

The schools are broke??? Hardly.

In March 2021 the federal government sent $112 billion out to 14,000 districts with almost no strings attached. The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief, or ESSER, funding came on top of another $60 billion from two earlier waves of pandemic relief dollars for schools (in sum, roughly three times the annual federal investment). Never before had schools seen anything like it.

To say school districts were (and still are) flush with cash is an understatement. District leaders have more money at their disposal than ever before.

You want to know how I know vouchers are an awesome idea that would definitely work? Because the biggest moron in town is against them. He’s wrong about everything else and he’s wrong about this too…

Related: The Massive ESSER Experiment: Here’s what we’re learning.