No sooner had I pointed out we haven’t really had a Covid fatality in two months than we supposedly had a Covid fatality.

I say “supposedly” because we have absolutely no clue about how this poor 70-year-old guy actually passed away. Did he die WITH Covid or FROM Covid? Don’t forget hospitals have MASSIVE financial incentives to label everything they can as “Covid”. That is a fact.
Maybe he had a heart attack, stroke or kidney problems and happened to test positive for long-dead RNA fragments upon admission. Remember, a “case” is defined as a “positive PCR test” (amplified 42 times here in Texas) and is a meaningless metric. Covid exists in contagious form for about FIVE days but it can exist in DETECTABLE FORM for about SEVENTY-SEVEN DAYS!
We are NEVER filled in on any details at all by our Mayor – which allows scared rabbits to envision the absolute worst scenario and assume all of these deaths were healthy and robust souls struck down in their prime. Which is, of course, utter nonsense.
Supposedly this is our 12th fatality…but I very much question that number. Between all the “we don’t know the timeline” stuff and “he was in another county” stuff and the fact that the Covid Worldometer STILL has Lampasas County at NINE fatalities (where it has been stuck for THREE MONTHS), there is no reason to have much confidence in that “12 fatalities” number.
Throw in the incentive to label everything “Covid” and it’s quite possible that Lampasas County has only seen two or three deaths FROM Covid during this entire “deadly epidemic”.
But let’s say for argument’s sake that we HAVE had three whole deaths in the last three months – going back to August 18th. OK fine. Care to guess how many OTHER people have died in Lampasas County since August 18th?
I went through the Dispatch obituaries for the last three months to find out. Of course, some people may have also died and not had an obituary (meaning there are even MORE deaths than I’m counting), but we’ll go with the assumption that everyone did.
How many deaths did I find?
FORTY-SEVEN PEOPLE have passed away in Lampasas County in the last 3 months. Many of those were heartbreaking and tragic – including a newborn infant, a young woman in her 30s killed in a construction accident, a poor guy in his 50s who died of brain cancer and several other cancer deaths at a relatively young age.
The average age of death for those 47 people in the obit pages was 75.6 years old FAR younger than the average “Covid death” we have seen listed by our Mayor.
Did Misti get on Facebook and report those deaths and ask everyone to pray for their loved ones? No…she did not. Why not? Are those deaths less tragic? I would argue quite the opposite. So the only conclusion is that somehow a Covid death is “more important” than any other death for some odd reason.
This fits with the typical liberal practice of only looking at one side of any ledger. They tout all the supposed benefits of – for instance – eliminating student debt, but don’t mention who pays that cost.
Likewise, they wail and clutch their pearls over the death of an 83-year-old man (who just happened to weigh 300 pounds, have diabetes and a history of strokes) but they say nothing about the huge spike in suicides and overdoses in the tragically healthy and young population.

They post and urge prayers for one random person who died but not the 16 others who died in the same month in a far more tragic manner. Which begs the question: why the hell are you posting any of this at all? If it’s to reassure scared rabbits, it is having the opposite effect – drawing attention to a single death that may well have happened anyways.
If anything, they should be giving MORE information to soothe the scared rabbits...much like Burnet County did with their first Covid death. Remember this one??
Burnet County Judge James Oakley said the county’s first death was a 57-year-old woman who was a resident of Bertram Nursing Home. Judge Oakley said the death happened on the afternoon of May 26.
The woman had been bedridden with cardiovascular disease for an extended time and was paralyzed from a stroke, according to the judge. She was also a cigarette smoker. The woman died from rapid onset pneumonia and posthumously tested positive for COVID-19.
THAT is how you report. THAT is how you give an ACCURATE picture of the situation. This “a gentleman in his 70s” bullshit is worse than no information at all, because it lets the imaginations of scared rabbits and dummies fill in the many blanks.
Any bets on how long the weekly Covid reports will continue? Dec 31? The end of Misti’s mayoral term? Never??