I am shocked! Shocked, I tells ya! A fat moron with a history of being incapable of managing her own personal finances and getting herself into $200,000 of personal debt can’t handle her millions in campaign finances? The idiot who personally owes $54,000 in back taxes also bungled her campaign funds?
No way.

To wit:
Abrams was defeated by incumbent Republican Governor Brian Kemp in November even though she had a “record-setting haul” and was a media darling.
“But her campaign’s expenditures have come under sharper scrutiny as new details emerge about the tight cash crunch she faced before her November defeat to Kemp by nearly 8 points,” AJC reporter Greg Bluestein wrote.
According to Axios, “money became so tight that most of the 180 full-time staffers were given an abrupt paycheck cutoff date — just a week after the November election.”
Lauren Groh-Wargo, Abrams campaign manager, told Axios vendors are still owed more than $1 million and that the team is still working to repay debts. The outlets spoke with various insiders who “surfaced new details about profligate spending that led to a dire financial squeeze by the end of the campaign.”
According to Bluestei’s report, former staffers detailed over-the-top expenses, including a home the campaign rented to use for making TikTok videos.
“Some aides commandeered the vacant five-bedroom craftsman-style house, now available to rent at $12,500 a month, as a makeshift office,” Bluestein wrote. “A pop-up shop and ‘swag truck’ were assigned to dispense merchandise, such as T-shirts and hoodies, to win over young voters. But staffers grumbled that there was no apparent strategy behind the giveaways, which they said seemed careless and costly.”
Of course, there are still some people out there (**cough** Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris ** cough **) who are THEMSELVES so dumb that they think Abrams is some kind of genius…

Speaking of Potato Head, how’s that AirBnB rental thing going for you? You applied for and got the necessary permits and paid the annual fees for running that thing, right?
It would be a shame if the Austin STR office (STRlicensing@austintexas.gov at 512 974-2000) found out about it and you didn’t have your paperwork in order. A real shame.
I certainly would NEVER alert them to your situation. Wink wink. That would be like, I don’t know, calling the cops over someone sending you a Christmas ornament or something. Dick move.
Don’t worry, I’m sure the housing market will totally come back next year and allow you (and 8,000 other suckers) to unload your home.