LEDC Now Taking Suggestions From Potato Head Fitzharris. God Help Them.

Like a bloated sandspur, local far-left Marxist Stephanie Fitzharris just keeps popping up and inflicting pain on the unsuspecting.

The latest is her appearance in the LEDC minutes from August…..

I have no opinion either way on the hiring of an EDC Director except the one I have always held: we don’t need one and it’s a massive waste of money. But one thing that IS certain is that Potato Head has been wrong about EVERYTHING she has opined upon for the last 10 years or so. We have covered that extensively on these very pages. From the severity of Covid to masking to vaccinations to Ivermectin, she has been 100%, unwaveringly WRONG about them all. The only thing Potato Head MIGHT be good for on any board is to do the opposite of what she ‘thinks.’

I have zero doubt she will weasel her way onto one of these boards eventually. She has nothing else to do.

Another gem from the minutes is the fact that even though they budgeted $30,200 for Business Pork signage almost a YEAR ago, they STILL managed to go over budget by 23%! Actually, by LEDC standards, 23% over budget is a HUGE savings compared to the last 20 years of bungling and money wasting.