Potato Headed Dunce Proven Wrong For 12th Time In a Row – Tries To Hide Her Extreme Liberal Past. Moving To Lampasas?!?

I’m starting to understand why Austin/Lampasas liberal stooge Stephanie Fitzharris keeps starting new Facebook pages: so she can erase all evidence of her prior wrong calls, Covid Cult authoritarianism, and rabid Marxism/liberalism.

Reinventing wheel = I’m erasing evidence of past support of Biden, Covid Cult and Marxist lib policies which are destroying the country….so I can’t be blamed later.

She was wrong about Covid death rates, wrong about HCQ, wrong about masks working, wrong about lockdowns, wrong about keeping kids out of school, wrong about social distancing, wrong about Biden being a good president, wrong about the Ghost of Kiev, wrong about Stacy Abrams, wrong about raising her communist son Julian Jordan of Oregon, and wrong about the “vaccine”.

Yes….such a TREASURE he turned out to be!

Her latest absolutely wrong call? That the Georgia voter ID laws (which required IDs and other safeguards in order to vote) were somehow “restrictive” and “repressive”. She cheered when the MLB idiots moved the All-Star game out of Georgia. Hilariously, the Braves went ahead and won the World Series last year, while her beloved Dodgers (she once lived in CA – shocker!) got crushed…..

But guess what? Potato Head was completely wrong AGAIN! I know…crazy, right?

Georgia early voting continues to shatter records

Don’t worry – Comrade Clayton, Bruce Haywood and all the other libs who screamed bloody murder about voter ID requirements were wrong too.


Well, good thing you started a new Facebook page recently so it was all erased and you can pretend it never happened. Just like your insanity during Covid…

Wearing a mask is actually very fucking stupid and useless. It’s science.

If Austin is so AWESOME, why’d you sell your house? Why are you slumming around in Lampasas?? Do us all a favor and just head back to California or Oregon with the other lib scum. Every lib scumbag who moves from Austin to Lampasas is one too many, in my book. City council ought to ban liberals like they ban burning leaves when it’s too dry outside.

Say that reminds me…watch out for this Potato Headed moron here in town. I think she may be trying to move here and blend in pretending to NOT be a Marxist, Biden-loving, Covid Cult asswipe. Of course, I know better and I have the receipts to prove it.

[She was spotted at Lampasas Beer Market way back in the corner last Saturday evening. Funny thing was, the World Series was on with Houston playing, and this self-proclaimed “baseball fanatic” (who blabbered and babbled about the All-Star game being moved because of ‘racism’) never even glanced at the screen once. ‘Baseball fanatic’ was just another personality to put on or take off like her XXL underwear.]

She seems even MORE mentally unstable lately as she thinks her MOM’S (Local loon Janet ‘Crazier’ Crozier) house is actually HERS! Maybe after she sold her Austin mansion, she moved in with mom. Nothing would surprise me. But she has been spotted trying to ingratiate herself online to local music legend Bobby Starr and also comments on the pages of councilman Herb Pearce and his family. So there is no telling what’s she’s up to….

“Soon, soon” what? We have to see your potato head in the streets on Lampasas? God help us.

In case you are not clear on this exchange, Potato Head somehow had access to her mom’s doorbell cam – which is weird enough. Then a chick named Suzie Adams asks “is that the house YOU got?” (Potato Head was in the process of selling her Austin house at the time).

Then this insane potato headed woman replies “Yes”!

As bad luck would have it, our local gardener Janet “Crazier” Crozier (Potato Head’s mom) happened to see this on-line exchange the very next day and jumped in and corrected her, saying “NO…that is OUR house”. Lampasas property rolls prove Janet right – the house belongs to “CROZIER JANET D & MILVERN J” – as you can see HERE.

So Fitzharris either has Biden-like dementia and doesn’t realize what house she actually owns OR she straight up LIES right to the face of a good friend. Take your pick.

I have always picked “she’s a loon”, myself.

I guess that’s what happens when you change your personality every 6 months or so. Maybe I should call her Sybil instead.

In The Pantheon of Gullible Morons, Stephanie Fitzharris Stands Above All Others

There are useful idiots and then there is Austin resident Stephanie “Potato Head” Fitzharris, who overshadows ALL other idiots. Haywood? Tucker? Mere amateurs. When it comes to falling for bullshit (masks and social distancing), not understanding science (vaccines that don’t work), or cheering loudly and stupidly for the Next Thing (BLM, defund police, Ukraine), nobody tops Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris of Lake Travis area in Austin.

Readers here are no stranger to this morbidly obese libtarded nut job. I have covered her repeatedly HERE and HERE and HERE.

St. Peter Co-op | Easy Crafts for Kids: 4 Fun Things To Make With Potatoes  - St. Peter Co-op

Seems like just yesterday someone called a friend of mine claiming to be a friend of HERS and offered me $1,000 to not ridicule her anymore. When THAT didn’t work, Miss “Defund the Police” actually got in touch with the police and had them send me a threatening letter to stop harassing her!

Is this supposed to deter me from posting ridicule of you? It will not.

So the clown who wanted to defund the police now wastes police time on sending ridiculous letters to me that do not scare me at all. Because she loves to dish out shit but cannot take it.

Hey Potato Head? You coming here to read about what an imbecile you are and seeing me use your own moronic posts against you on MY BLOG is not “harassment”. Everything I post here is the truth and can be backed up. If you feel shame for being proven a moron over and over, then just don’t ever click over here, mmmkay?

This latest is one of my favorite. Like her other cause célèbres (BLM, defund police, wear a mask) she jumped in with both feet while having absolutely no idea what she was talking about. This is what rich, vapid, empty-nester housewives in Austin do to fill up their empty and meaningless lives.

I’m talking, of course, about Ukraine. She had the flag emoji and all the other nonsense within days of the invasion. She virtue signaled constantly about the evil Putin and the brave heroes of Ukraine.

She also fell for the most obvious piece of propaganda I have ever seen. I couldn’t believe people actually reposted this horseshit, but Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris of the Lake Travis area in Austin Texas definitely bought it hook, line and sinker:

What a sad, hollow life this woman has. One son is a communist loser who lives far away in Portland with the other losers. The other son went to school in California – no doubt to get far away from his blabbermouth embarrassment of a mother. All she does is sit home and repost memes as fast as she can…hoping to be part of something and to fill the hole where normal people have real friends in real life. This results in her posting obvious bullshit like the one above.

Well, the Ukrainians themselves FINALLY admitted what anyone with an IQ over 100 knew months ago: the Ghost of Kyiv was complete and total horseshit propaganda:


Just like social distancing was a myth, using masks to stop an aerosolized virus was a myth, the Covid vax protecting you from sickness and death was a myth, and the BLM bullshit about cops killing blacks at a much higher rate than whites was a myth. Stephanie Fitazharris falls for and reposts them all. Because she has no critical thinking skills. That’s what happens when your skull is filled with starch and very closely resembles a potato shape.

I have zero doubt that Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris in Austin Texas wrote numerous checks to BLM from her husband’s checking account. Those checks helped those commie scammers buy nice mansions in nice white areas of town.

BAHAHAHAHAHA. What a maroon!

Yes, Potato Head Stephanie Fitazharris, These Kids Are Pussies

“It has come to my attention”. Jesus lady, you really think you’re in charge of the planet, don’t you? A year and a half of telling everyone to wear a mask and get vaccinated and generally playing a mini-Hitler douche will do that to a person, I guess.

Hedge a bet? I think you mean MAKE a bet, idiot. Middle-aged potato-head cow trying to sound cool and failing badly. You HEDGE a bet by taking some secondary action to lock in profit on the original bet, dipshit.

I’m sorry, but kids in the 18-22yo age group have about 250,000-1 odds of dying from Covid. Their chances of dying in a car crash are about 50 times higher. Therefore, if you are in the 18 to 22yo age group and scared to go outside without a piece of cloth on your face (which has been PROVEN to be useless), that means you are clinging to a security blanket – and are therefore a pussy.

Young adults don’t need security blankets or teddy bears. Unless, of course, they are actually pussies.

Any college kid wearing a mask SHOULD be berated and mocked. Because they are definitely being a pussy. If some kid was walking around in water wings at age 21 because there was one chance in a million that a flood might happen, I’d call him a pussy too.

Let’s face it – sometime you gotta call a pussy a pussy. If I was on a fishing trip and some kid was scared to bait a hook and called it “icky”, he is a pussy. There is simply no other way to put it.

Afraid to run from the house to your car in the rain without an umbrella? Pussy.

Won’t do a shot of whiskey with your boys on a camping trip? Pussy.

Scared to shoot a shotgun? You guessed it…..pussy.

I’d probably throw “doesn’t know how to drive a stick shift” in there, too.

Of course, Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris raised a kid who turned out to be a total pussy, so it is unsurprising she is unable to identify other pussies. Half the reason we are in this Covid mess and people are afraid of their own shadows is because parents like Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris raised a bunch of pussies and unleashed them upon us. Pussies can’t think for themselves – so we have 23-year-old girls driving in cars by themselves with masks on.


If your kid has green hair, lives in Oregon, loves communism and whines publicly that he is too stupid/poor/lazy to get “art supplies” on his own at the age of 31, then you have raised a pussy.

If this isn’t a pussy, then I don’t know what is

This is what happens when your idiot mom fills your head with liberal horseshit from a young age and withholds spankings – you think there are no genders and you dress like an androgynous retard….which makes you a pussy.

Pussies cannot use logic. They think that if t-shirts, rocks and bowling balls have no gender, then OBVIOUSLY people don’t either. You REALLY did a number on this kid, Potato Head. Christ.

One final point – proof of vaccination at a football game means absolutely nothing in terms of stopping any spread. We NOW know that the vax isn’t worth a shit. Vaxxholes can still spread the disease AND get sick AND die. So what is the point of getting it? In fact, vaxxholes can carry 250x the viral load of non-vaxxed and it is likely this latest surge is actually CAUSED by vaxxholes taking a “leaky vax” and making things WORSE. You vaxxholes are actually the super-spreaders!!

You know what you call the people who ran out like scared rabbits and got the vaccine even though they were young and healthy and probably already had Covid and recovered and whose natural immunity is FAR STRONGER than the vaccine? People who were willing to trade their freedoms for perceived safety?

That’s right. Pussies.

Potato Headed Lib Stephanie Fitzharris Beclowns Herself Yet Again

When it comes to making a horse’s ass of oneself, nobody does it better than Potato Head Steph. Being wrong hundreds of times never deters her from beclowning herself publicly again and again. You almost have to admire that lack of self awareness and obliviousness.

You see, last year when she was jumping on to yet another bandwagon with all her BLM bullshit and defund the police bullshit, it turns out she didn’t REALLY mean defund when she said defund.

Beating dogs? When was that a thing? I’ve been on this planet half a century and don’t remember that. The spanking thing still exists, I’m pretty sure, and I whole heartedly agree with it. I got a few spankings in my day and I had it coming every time. Perhaps if Potato Head had doled out a few herself instead of resorting to hug therapy and other touchy-feely lib horseshit, her son wouldn’t have grown up to be a complete commie loser who dyes his hair green and stays up all night playing video games and calling himself an “artist” like mommy.

Why did Potato Head have this sudden change of heart and try to distance herself from her BLM crap from last year? Maybe it’s because every city that “defunded police” and tried switching to nice words and not prosecuting crime has seen crime SKYROCKET (duh!). That includes Austin – where Potato Head lives in a nice mansion that “used to be a 4-plex we converted”.

To wit:

Local TV station Fox 7 reports that it has analyzed crime data and come to a startling conclusion: Austin is now a dangerous place. Homicide is way up.

Our analysis shows a 13 percent decline in the homicide rate per 100,000 since 2000 and a 10 percent decrease in the homicide rate since 2010, but a 75 percent increase in the homicide rate since 2015. For 2019 to 2020, FOX 7 Austin used population projection data from the City of Austin and found a 32 percent increase in rate. It is important to note there are still two months left in the year.

“I really contribute a lot of it to the new wave of not wanting to prosecute,” said Casaday.

Casaday is Austin Police Association President Ken Casaday. Austin has declined to prosecute some lower-level crimes and went out of its way not to prosecute riot-related crimes from this past summer, so he probably has a point.

Mayor Steve Adler, perched in his penthouse, is in denial.

FOX 7 Austin reached out to Austin Mayor Steve Adler for comment on the data Saturday. Adler was not available. On October 18, he told FOX 7 Austin “the suggestion that Austin is a dangerous city is just flat out wrong.”

There’s rhetoric and there’s data. The data is not on the mayor’s side. And this mayor isn’t even all that good at the talking.

Adler, city council members (socialist weasel) Greg Casar, Jimmy Flannigan, the whole gang, listened exclusively to hardcore left-wing activists and their alternative media sycophants (and dummy housewife lib morons like Fitzharris, I might add) and never once listened to the police, to business owners, to the local news stations or talk radio, or anyone else.

The article goes on at length HERE.

Quite frankly, I love to see lib morons suffer the consequences of their idiotic beliefs and decisions. The problem is that after they ruin a City like Austin, they spread out like locusts to the surrounding areas and destroy them too. Kind of like Potato Head’s mom, local locust Janet Yoder Kraeff-Crozier who pulled that exact same stunt and now walks among us here.

Don’t forget: Potato Head Steph is a HUGE Joe Biden fan. The same Joe Biden that is letting border jumping illegal scumbags run wild at our border. Nice job again, Potato Head. Maybe you can invite several of those 17-year-old “children” to live in your huge mansion now that your kids are all gone? Must get boring at home alone all day with your $4,000 dog and your half-finished “screenplay”. LOL.