Is Mercer Pulling a “Jussie Smollett” With Vandalism Claims In Order To Gain Sympathy??

Perhaps I’ll be called a dick for throwing this out there, but that has never stopped me before…

…but this kind of stinks of a fakery to get sympathy. There, I said it. I can totally 100% see them “vandalizing” themselves to get a little pity.

Wasn’t there some talk about how Mercer’s book he wrote was highly, ahem, embellished?? Pretty sure there was. If he’d do that then he’s not above this as well, in my book.

Indeed – why WOULD someone pick a highly trafficked area like Key Avenue to perpetrate such a crime? Actually, while we’re at it: what is the crime? I’m not familiar with that sign they are standing in front of, but I don’t see any spray painting or anything. Is there usually water in that little depression area they are standing in? Did someone throw dogshit in there? Paint? Vomit? They don’t bother telling us.

I’m sure it’s all in the police report, which I’ll try to get hold of. OR birdies can chirp to me at

Even if it IS real…so what? There have been incidences of vandalism/theft all over the City for many years – just ask Finley DeGraffenreid about that. Or the Christmas on the Creek people. This Zach Sustaita guy didn’t seem too upset about any of THOSE incidents. Get over yourself, son.

**UPDATE** – I’m hearing no police report has been filed…that true? I can only think of ONE reason why they wouldn’t file a police report: because then the police would start looking at the many, many cameras all over that area and maybe…just maybe…see these guys vandalizing themselves.