Council Meeting 1-24-22. Porkchop Pro-Tem.

The Goldfish swam last night. Well, a few of them did. Mayor TJ Monroe AND Mayor pro-tem Chuck “The Vampire” Williamson were BOTH missing last night. In my years of sitting through these things, I’ve never seen that.

It does, however, confirm what I’ve always said: that Williamson and Monroe share a brain and that Williamson is actually just a ventriloquist’s dummy operated by Monroe’s hand up his ass. He always sits right next to her and always votes with her no matter how wrong she is. They are like two testicles in a nut sack. And just as intelligent.

Maybe she took him in to the repair shop for a new pull-string yesterday. Who knows.

Then there was the issue of who would run the meeting. Votes were split along lines of “old school dummies” and “fresh blood”. Zac Morris nominated Herb Pearce and Randy “The Speedbump” Clark nominated Cathy “Porkchop” Kuehne.

Randy seems like a nice guy, but remember: he was a City employee for several centuries. He is firmly in the camp of “thinks like a government employee” – so it is no surprise he is in league with Cathy Kuehne – who ALSO relies on taxpayer largesse for her paycheck in real life.

Morris and Pearce (the two newest members), on the other hand, have both lived in the real world for a long time. Just an opinion by me, but perhaps we are seeing evidence of two small camps on council. Kuehne is up for election in a couple months (along with Williamson and Goodart). I was hoping she’d do us all a favor and step down. But the fact that she just voted for herself to run the meeting tells me she is probably going nowhere and likely angling for that pro-tem seat currently occupied by The Vampire.

Clearly, we need a smart, private-sector citizen to step up this spring and help kick Kuehne to the curb.

On to the meeting:

The fire chief wasted the usual 15 minutes (not his fault, but come on already – we don’t give a shit about Covid anymore) giving detailed counts of who has the sniffles and who doesn’t. The numbers provided are all bullshit, as we know, so I’m not sure why they still bother with this after TWO YEARS!

Finley admits that the recycling center loses money [19:16 mark] “in terms of income and expenses”. Shocker. He rhetorically asks “is it worth the $8,000 or $10,000 deficit it runs every year?”. The answer out here in the REAL world is an immediate and resounding ‘NO”. If you ran a business that lost $10,000 every year, you would close up shop. I railed against the recycling nonsense from day one. It was the idea of local Ohio locust and libtard Janet Yoder “Crazier” Crozier.

Finley thinks like a life-long bureaucrat, however. He tells us “it has a tremendous value to the community in terms of providing a recycling service”. Ummm….no it doesn’t. It LITERALLY provides NEGATIVE value – by definition. Why is that so hard for him to understand?

The fact you are losing money tells you that your old mayonnaise jars and newspapers are NOT in demand and that it costs MORE to clean, sort, transport and ‘recycle’ that shit than it does to bury it. Those are facts. Prices of things inform you immediately about the relative abundance or scarcity of an item. End of story.

The City should terminate the recycling program immediately. Old biddies like Crozier who can’t understand all this are still free to load their trash into their cars and drive it to Burnet or Cove or another City that is stupid enough to waste money on that recycling nonsense.


City talking about a “conceptual” new development with 177 lots over 48 acres. Great. Just what we need! Maybe Monroe and Williamson can hand them hundreds of thousands of tax dollars too!

Pavilion excavation has begun. He also mentioned that “staff has not incorporated the collection system into the project’. I assume he means the ridiculous $10,000 rain water tanks that Crazier Crozier wanted. Small victories!! Whoops! Randy “Speedbump” wants it on the agenda. I told you that you can’t trust that guy.

Hostess House – still gonna cost a fortune. Reminder: the Hostess House brings in about a whopping $14,000 per year before expenses. Should only take them about 120 years to get their money back. But I’m sure Finley will tell us it provides “tremendous value”. Kinda like the $1.5 million Old City Hall renovation.

Elections on May 7th. Kuehne, Williamson and Goodart are all up for election. All three need to be replaced. You’ll recall that Chuck “The Vampire” Williamson actually got stomped hard in his last election but then weaseled his way back onto council – allowing Monroe to firmly implant her hand in his rectum.

Goodart told me in a personal email he was opposed to all the money being wasted on the “business park” but I have YET to see him open his mouth against it once.

End of meeting.