Pool Days Reduced 16.6% – Finley Very Proud Of Himself

Finley has been taking a lap lately that he’s managing to get the pools open this year – despite having trouble recruiting lifeguards due to the shitty $7.25/hr he offers (as a reminder, Finley makes $140,000 per year PLUS huge benefits).

That’s all well and good and no doubt TJ will pat him on the back for a job well done.

What they don’t mention is that the pool is open only FIVE days a week now, as opposed to SIX days previously. So the pool will be open 16.6% LESS days than it was before.

Oddly, the COST to operate the pool still moves higher. For the 2017/2018 fiscal year, the pool (Hanna Springs) was budgeted $134,827 for the season. THIS season, they were budgeted $151,517 – an increase of 12.4% in three years.

On a per-open-day basis, that means the cost of the pool has rocketed something like 34% in three years. All the while, lifeguard pay has remained at a shitty $7.25 per hour. Kinda makes you wonder where all the money goes!

Costs go UP and service goes DOWN. Finley would have made an outstanding Postmaster General.