The elaborate performance piece continues! He is DEFINITELY a retard pretending to be a rancher pretending to be a farmer…or something.
Local socialist and Chairman of the Lampasas Democrats (Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX) always makes sure to let everyone know he is a Good Guy. Whether it is photos of him in a useless mask chiding us unmasked swine, getting a useless ‘vaccine’, or poisoning the local blood supply with his ‘vaccine’-tainted blood, Clayton makes SURE to get a photo of it and post it so he can Signal his Virtue!

As usual, Clayton has exposed himself as a hypocrite, a liar and a fraud all at the same time. Perhaps you should stop doing this, Comrade?
#1 – Look at all those plastic bags! You evil sea-turtle choker, you! Where are your re-useable hemp bags, you nit wit? Don’t you know plastic bags are made with OIL?!? You have said REPEATEDLY you want us to be “fossil fuel free” – so what the hell are you doing poisoning the planet with plastic bags!!! You are either so stupid you don’t know where plastic bags come from or you are the biggest hypocrite in Texas.
#2 – Froot-Loops?? BAHAHAHA. Seriously? That is almost the worst shit on the planet for you, when it comes to “nutrition.” Weren’t you recently crying about the Big Cereal Corporations gouging everyone with their greedy price hikes? Yes. Yes you were.
Also – you have told us REPEATEDLY for years now that you are a farmer or rancher….

Why didn’t you bring them some squash or some healthy veggies off of your “farm?” Or maybe some meat from your “ranch?” The farmers’ market is LITERALLY 2 blocks from your mom’s house where you live. But instead of giving up some of your many crops from your “family farm,” you go to HEB and buy them sugary shit like Froot Loops? What an asshole, man.
#3 – You took some photo ops at Janet “Crazier” Crozier’s Community Garden two years ago at exactly the same time you were running for City council.

SURELY you are still a member of the garden and growing healthy veggies for the poor. That wasn’t all just a photo op, was it? The community garden is LITERALLY a 3-block walk from your mom’s house where you live. Are you too lazy to go over there and grow veggies when the cameras aren’t around?
I’ll bet you a MILLLLLION DOLLARS that you, in fact, have NOT been back there and have NOT grown a single thing for yourself or “the poor” you are yammering about now.
What a fraud and a piece of shit you are.