I’m not sure what the LEDC chumps paid for the “Perryman Group” economic projections back in 2007 [page 130], but I’m sure it was WAY more than the $0.00 the projections ended up being worth.
First is the cost projection. As you can see, the geniuses at Perryman figured it at about $2.7 million dollars….

Actual cost as of today? Over $7.2 million and counting.
But what about the BENEFITS? Well, Perryman has an answer there too:

Wow! A new job is created for every $350 in outlays? I thought that was a typo for sure, and the number had to be more like $35,000 in outlays. Nope. It’s $350 – which means that we should have created over 20,000 jobs for the $7.2 million spent.
Actual jobs created? ZERO.

As you can see, Perryman predicted 9,800 jobs, but that was with a $2.7 million cost ($2.7 million divided by their bullshit $350 per job number = 7,700 jobs). Since the REAL cost is now $7.2 million, we should have gotten about 20,000 jobs instead. That 9,800 jobs number is so absurd on it’s face, somebody at the LEDC should have laughed at them and demanded their money back. Of course, nobody did. They nodded their heads and swallowed the bullshit whole.
Perryman also told the LEDC that all that Biz Pork money created would “help defray the costs of public services and other infrastructure.” In fact, the Business Pork has had the OPPOSITE effect.
LEDC President Misti Talbert literally stood in front of City council and begged for (and got) $971,000 in Covid-relief funds that the CITY could have used for just about ANYTHING ELSE! Including public services and infrastructure! The Biz Pork didn’t defray SHIT! In fact, it pilfered money that could have been used elsewhere! How’s that for irony??

Are you starting to see the depth of the bullshit going on at the Business Pork project? Why I rail on it over and over and over again? Why it’s the biggest ripoff ever pulled over on the taxpayers? Are you starting to see the incredible amount of incompetence and stupidity on display by the LEDC over the last 20 years?!?!
Every single promise, projection and assurance has been 100% complete and utter bullshit for OVER TWENTY YEARS.