Electoral Map Breakdown…

Sorry girls. I’ve said it before and will say it again: women should have never been given the vote. You are WAY too emotional and susceptible to the siren song of socialism and “free stuff”. I think all the chicks I know would be fine with that because they know that probably 80% of females cannot be trusted to vote rationally.

If I gained 100 pounds and came home and my mom told me I looked great and my dad told me I was a fat tub of shit, which parent loved me more? WAY too many moms out there and not enough dads.

Furthermore, when the idiotic policies you support reach their inevitable end, it’s not the women that are out in the battlefield bleeding in a war. It’s the men. It’s been that way throughout history.

Uncle Festerman did 15 points better with women because “they felt sorry for him”. Fuck all that.

While we’re at it, only male property owners (i.e. people who pay taxes and have skin in the game) should have the vote. That would help eliminate the parasites in society from having a say – like Clayton Tucker and Bruce Haywood.