Radicalized, Power-Hungry Little Commie Clayton Tucker Says Quiet Part Out Loud.

The communist doesn’t care about the Constitution, freedom, the truth, or America. The communist only cares about power. Clayton Tucker is the founder of the Texas Communist Caucus. He makes no bones about his intentions.

How did he end up like this? Well, he’s a short and scrawny specimen, a compulsive liar, childless, has never had a real job and instead pretends to be a rancher on grandpa’s property, he lives with mom and likely has never had a girlfriend. No matter how you slice it, he’s a loser of biblical proportions.

Clayton Tucker’s next book…

In short, he is EXACTLY the kind of disaffected loser who is drawn towards communism. He thinks if others are doing well, it must somehow be at his expense – so he spends his days marinating in envy juices.

He is determined to grab power and get his revenge on the successful people of the world….

No, men with hammers and saws house the homeless, you useless sack of shit.

Note the ridiculous statement that is their “Guiding Philosophy”: he literally says that “only communism and power can feed the hungry or house the homeless.” That is a fucking SCARY worldview to have as it is 1000% demonstrably wrong.

The fact that Comrade Clayton holds this worldview means he knows ZERO about history and the tales of disaster that have followed EVERY SINGLE communist regime in human history. You know who did the WORST job of “feeding the hungry”? Communist dictators like Mao, Pol Pot, Chavez, Maduro, Kim and Stalin. They are responsible for the starvation of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS. Those are the facts. The U.S. will follow the EXACT SAME PATH if dangerous morons like Clayton Tucker are ever allowed control over anything.

Hell, it’s already starting in our U.S. Congress! After spending like drunken sailors on foreign invaders and welfare, we have see inflation skyrocket. The communist will never admit THEY are to blame. So they blame “greedy corporations.” You know what comes after that?

Price controls. And the biggest commie retards in Congress are already talking about it:

“Combat Illegal Corporate Behavior” – Dem Lawmakers Urge Biden To Use Executive Action Against High Food Prices 

In other words – they want King Biden, the tyrant, to start dictating food prices. To FORCE producers to sell at a lower price.

You know what comes after that? Massive shortages. Ask Venezuela about those. Pretty soon the shelves are bare are producers can’t make a profit selling at artificially low prices.

You know what comes after that? The government taking over industries to “run them for the people” – which is EXACTLY how it went down in Venezuela. They were a rich nation with a lot of oil money until that moron Chavez took over.

The U.S. will go down this exact same path. It might take another 20 years, but I can guarantee you it’s going to happen. Don’t forget: the U.S. university system is churning out about two million new communists every single year. A tsunami of 22-year-old idiots who can’t think for themselves and have been brainwashed by Clayton Tucker types with manbuns into thinking capitalism is pure evil and they are oppressed by The Man.

Even CNN Admits “The Rich” Are Paying Far More Than Their “Fair Share”.

Wow. Even CNN can’t ignore the math anymore. Too bad socialist morons like Bruce Haywood and Comrade Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX are incapable of 3rd grade math. The mathematical facts are that “the rich” pay FAR MORE than their fair share. The problem isn’t “the rich being greedy”. The problem is the laughable expansion of the welfare state and the tens of millions of parasites sucking the rest of us dry. From the CNN article:

While “fair” is subjective, most Americans might not understand how much of the tax burden the rich actually bear. The answer may surprise them.

According to the IRS, in 2020, the top 1% of taxpayers (about 1.5 million taxpayers), paid $722 billion in income taxes. That amount accounted for 42.3% of all income taxes paid, the highest percentage in modern history.

By contrast, the bottom 90% of taxpayers (about 142 million taxpayers) paid a combined $450 billion in income taxes, or just 26.3% of the total, their lowest percentage of the tax burden in decades. That means the top 1% of taxpayers pay a far greater share of the nation’s tax burden than 142 million of their neighbors combined.

Surely, the rich pay a larger amount because they earn the most money, right? Not exactly. In 2020, the top 1% of taxpayers earned 22% of all adjusted gross income; their 42.3% share of the income taxes is nearly twice their share of the nation’s income.

The opposite is true for the bottom 90%. They earned more than half, 50.5%, of the nation’s income but paid 26.3% of the taxes — roughly half of their share of the nation’s income.

This hasn’t always been the case. In 1980, the tax burden was much more evenly shared. The bottom 90% earned 68% of the nation’s income and paid 52% of the income taxes. The top 1% earned 9.6% of the nation’s income and paid 17% of the income taxes.

What led to our tax system becoming more progressive today than it has been since at least World War II?

One reason is the massive expansion of social programs delivered through the tax code over the past three decades. Some of the largest programs aimed at lower-income families and those with children are run through the IRS — the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit. Collectively, they deliver roughly $180 billion worth of benefits each year, much of which is refundable — meaning a family gets a tax refund check even if they don’t owe any taxes.

What dicks people like Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX are. Envious little morons. Useful idiots for permanent Washington.

Liberal Mayor of New Orleans is a Complete Scumbag…But She’s a Black Chick, So You Can’t Say Anything.

New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell has defended using taxpayers’ money to purchase first-class seats on international flights and insisted she will not pay the money back after previously stating that it is unsafe to fly economy as a black woman.

Cantrell, a Democrat, made the comments at a press conference on Sept. 8 where sheinsisted that she would not be repaying the nearly $30,000 in taxpayers’ money that she spent on first-class flights to France and Switzerland.

“All expenses incurred doing business on behalf of the city of New Orleans will not be reimbursed to the city of New Orleans,” Mayor Cantrell said.

“One thing is clear: I do my job, and I will continue to do it with distinction and integrity every step of the way. That’s what I have to say on that.”

According to The Times-Picayune/The New Orleans Advocate, Cantrell has charged the city of New Orleans $29,000 to travel first- or business-class instead of via economy since January 2021,with her flights costing more than $38,200 overall.

Last month, the mayor defended her actions by stating that the upgraded travel was due to fears over her safety.

“My travel accommodations are a matter of safety, not of luxury. As all women know, our health and safety are often disregarded and we are left to navigate alone,” the mayor told the Times-Picayune/The New Orleans Advocate in August.

“As the mother of a young child whom I live for, I am going to protect myself by any reasonable means in order to ensure I am there to see her grow into the strong woman I am raising her to be. Anyone who wants to question how I protect myself just doesn’t understand the world black women walk in.”

Ah yes. The old Race Card. I’m a Black Woman, so I can do whatever the fuck I want and if you point out I’m a piece of shit, then you’re a racist. And airplanes are SUCH havens of high crime, back in economy class.

Meanwhile, New Orleans itself is a crime-ridden shithole whose murder rate has absolutely exploded over the last 3 years. No worries about that, though. She’s concerned she may get mugged back in seat 37A.

New Orleans is TRIPLE the Chicago rate

Well lady, you are a piece of shit. That’s the worst bullshit excuse I’ve ever heard in my life. How these pieces of shit keep getting elected is beyond my comprehension. New Orleans must be stuffed to the gills with people so dumb, they make Bruce Haywood look like Isaac Newton.

New Orleans’ travel policy states that municipal workers must “purchase the lowest airfare available,” while employees who “choose an upgrade from coach, economy, or business-class flights are solely responsible for the difference in cost.”

Beta Male In Harker Heights Tomorrow

Fake Mexican and real parasite Robert Francis O’Rourke is visiting Harker Heights tomorrow – you know what THAT means!

Comrade Clayton Tucker (admitted socialist and Chairman of the Lampasas Democrats) is busy, busy, busy today! He’s trimming his chin pubes, cleaning out his man purse, polishing up the Baby Seal Mobile…..

…picking out his very best fake cowboy hat and practicing his selfie poses so he can get yet another picture with Beta Male O’Rourke.

Little guy with a purse LOVES the big fist!

He figures that if he takes enough pictures with enough useless, scumbag, parasitic politicians that something will rub off on him and he’ll achieve these lofty political heights as well. Unfortunately, that is unlikely when you are 5’7 and need shoulder pads in your clothes.

Beto and Beta male – together again!

I’ve got $100 that says we will see a new Beto/Beta photo together within the next 96 hours. Any takers??

Eco-Strong Money Grab – Part II

We saw in Part I how Alan Champagne and Mike Cour were spinning lies and webs of bullshit for months trying to keep the LEDC and Mandy Walsh on the hook before they foolishly asked for $1.85 million dollars of tax dollars for their “privately funded” project.

I ran across a hilarious fuckup by Mike Cour when he sent Mandy Walsh the “rough draft” of the press release he was about to send out on May 7th:

SO many lies!!! They had NOT relocated corporate headquarters and they were NOT scheduled to break ground anywhere!

Mandy emails him back and asks why it says CITY in there instead of Lampasas! LOL!!

Mike emails back defensively “Does it matter?”. Ummm, yes it matters, moron. You are SUPPOSEDLY going to put your plant HERE…and not anywhere else.

Oops, Mike! Caught red-handed. Looks like Mike might actually be shopping this around at the same time he’s wooing the LEDC with promises of moving into their business park! Mike told me a similar story about another phantom piece of land to try and cover up his PREVIOUS lies about the press release timelines not matching up. I asked who owned the other land and where it was.

No answer. So either THAT was a lie, or he didn’t want LEDC to know he was kissing other asses too in order to try and get more free stuff.

He also doesn’t even have the square footage figured out yet! I pointed THAT out last year too. In his presentation to the City, he quoted 10,000 square feet. Then in the press release it was 25,000 square feet. Either way, he spouts the same lie that it will produce 200 jobs.

Sure buddy. Your plant in Alberta is 35,000 square feet and only employs 50 people! But your 22,000 square foot plant HERE will produce 200 jobs. Sure it will! Can you smell the bullshit from here?? Apparently the LEDC couldn’t.

Also, your existing Canadian 35,000 square foot plant recycles 6 million tires per year, but in your bullshit PowerPoint you gave to the LEDC, you are going to recycle 40 million tires in Lampasas with 22,500 square feet. If anyone believes THAT nonsense I have some land to sell you on south 183.

But Mike Cour and Alan Champagne (despite their protestations to the contrary) are all about GRABBING THAT FREE MONEY!! They can’t be bothered with silly details like square footage or job creation or how many tires will be recycled! You can smell the desperation in these emails below.

I gotta tell you Mike, desperation is a stinky cologne:

Grant money! Grant money! Ask her about it! Ask for more! Money money money!! Grant money!

Just a reminder to those of you who actually earn your money out in the real world by getting up and busting your ass: “grant” is a fancy word for “free tax money stolen from someone else that you never have to pay back”. Not a loan. Not an “investment”. Just free shit thrown right into the wallets of scumbag con men like Alan Champagne and Mike Cour.

10 GOP Worms Vote To Impeach

Since everyone is all about “making lists” these days and “never forgetting”, let’s make one here:

  1. Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois
  2. Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming
  3. Rep. John Katko of New York
  4. Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan
  5. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington
  6. Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington
  7. Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan
  8. Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio
  9. Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina
  10. Rep. David Valadao of California

Liz Cheney – doling out a little retribution for her father and the inbred Bush family, clearly. Hope she gets primaried out next time around.

Fred Upton is a cockroach who has been slurping government tit milk for 45 years. Absolutely worthless meat sock.

Beutler is some chick from California who is only 42 years old but has also been suckling gov teat her entire life. Has never had a private sector job, according to her Wiki page.

Newhouse – on the tit for 17 years now.

Peter Meijer – 33yo trust fund baby who has also spent most of his short life on gov tit.

Anthony Gonzalez – 36yo meathead football player. Obviously doesn’t know shit about shit. His father bolted to America when Castro took power. This is how an immigrant’s son thanks us.

David Valadao – no idea what this guy’s problem is except that he was born in California. Oh wait – failed dairy farmer who was named in two lawsuits against his dairy for defaulting on almost $9 million in loans and for failing to pay a supplier. After a lawsuit in 2019, Valadao agreed to pay $325,000 to former employees who sued for being denied breaks, minimum wage and overtime pay.

The settlement was not paid due to Valadao and Triple V Dairy filing for bankruptcy.

‘Mayor Transparency’ Strikes Again. City Attorney Stonewalls On ‘Business’ Park Debacle Emails

I’ve lost track of how many times the City has hired JC Brown (their high-priced attorney) to stonewall me on various issues. If I had to put a number on it, I’d say she’s milked the City for at LEAST $9,000 for all my requests she’s denied over the last 28 months.

That’s $9,000 of tax dollars wasted to keep a taxpayer from seeing truth, but who’s counting?

Anyways, I just got denied yet another time. After being stonewalled for asking for a copy of the Impact DataSource “study” of Eco-Turd and its owner – Mike Cour – I made a request for copies of any GOVERNMENT emails relating to the matter.

GOVERNMENT emails that belong to the taxpayer as they reside on GOVERNMENT servers paid for by the taxpayer. I pulled this same stunt in September of 2018 to get my hands on the Azbell Electronics documents relating to the $96,000 no-bid A/V disaster….and they had to cough them up back then.

Guess what they said this time?

I don’t mean to insult the esteemed Ms Brown, but these sound like the scribblings of a madwoman trapped in a refrigerator box, suffering from hypoxic hallucinations induced by inhaling too many of her own farts.

“Engage in negotiations”? Analyzing data?? LOL!! Who will be doing the ‘negotiating’, exactly? The same school of goldfish who have given away the farm in ALL of their previous “negotiations”? Like the following:

Paid $96,000 for a no-bid A/V system when they ALREADY had agreed to a $34,000 system from Broadcast Works.

Paid $220,000 for a building they PREVIOUSLY SOLD (less than 3 years earlier) to a private citizen for $75,000? (Old City Hall).

Paid $170,000 for a no-bid public bathroom at Campbell Park? OVER TWICE the price of an actual HOUSE that is a block from the bathroom.

Paid $128,000 for a shitty, problem-prone elevator from RKJ Construction at City Hall when they COULD HAVE only paid $96,000 to Austin Elevators.

Handed $72,000 in ‘free’ shit to Deorald Finney for his 69 houses he is building in the Stone Valley development.

Handed a ‘FREE’ $150,000 in tax dollars to fellow scumbag and former City council dummy ‘Greasy’ Chris Harrison for a detention pond at Brodie Estates.

They are SUCH amazing negotiators! I can see why you want to keep everything hush-hush. LOL. You make me laugh.

Who will be leading these ‘negotiations’, I wonder. Will it be Finley deGraffenreid? The man who has worked in government his entire life? Or perhaps Kathy Kuehne or Delana Toups – two council members who I’m pretty sure have never worked in the private sector either.

Maybe it’ll be Mandy Walsh…who has never started or run a business in her life, I think.

I can’t wait to see how the Goldfish ‘negotiate’ this amazing deal for the City. So far, their record is 0-6 according to my records. But I’m SURE it’ll all work out this time.


City Hands Former Council Member “Greasy” Chris Harrison and Developer S2M2 $185,000 In City Funds For Brodie Estates

More developers grabbing more city dollars. Anyone shocked? You shouldn’t be. We already discussed how mansion owner Deorald Finney got HIS $72,000 gift from City taxpayers.

I’ve ranted about hypocrite “Greasy” Chris Harrison (former City council member) multiple times. HERE and HERE for instance.

Well, the City just cut old Greasy and S2M2 a $185,000 check last month. It sure pays to have friends (and former council buddies) on City council!

Link to City checks written on page 32 – lest some moron accuse me of “slander”

Just a quick reminder of what (massive hypocrite) Greasy Chris Harrison said back on 4/10/15 (page 11) when he was running for City council a second time:

The council candidate [Harrison] said he opposes tax abatements and other financial incentives to prospective businesses. He also said he was against city officials’ economic-development trips to California and a subsequent incentive agreement for a company that moved from California to Lampasas. “To me, it’s not the government’s place to fund private business,” Harrison said.

“The candidate said he learned from a grant program the City Council offered briefly in 2011. Under the program, which Harrison initially supported but later voted to repeal, small businesses that opened in Lampasas after a specified date were eligible for a grant of $5,000 from the city. Harrison said council members had good intentions but learned quickly there were problems with offering taxpayer money to businesses

So Greasy Chris Harrison was opposed to $5,000 grants but he and S2M2 gladly pilfer the taxpayer for $185,000. Lovely.

Here is a brief timeline of how the geniuses on City council went from DENYING S2M2 a $105,000 check as “too expensive” in May of 2019 to then handing over $185,000 last month – links to Dispatch articles are in brackets in case some moron accuses me of ‘slander’ again:

5/31/19 [page 5]: “The pond is estimated to cost $135,000, and McDonald said if he has it built, he will forego $75,000 he could have made had he turned the pond site into three residential lots. As a result, he asked the city to spend $105,000 on the pond – half of what he said it would cost S2M2 if the company sacrifices potential buildable space to create a drainage pond. Council members, however, said that cost is too high to justify for what they said would be minimal drainage improvements in the area. The council’s motion called for no city payment toward a detention pond.”

[McDonald failed to get the free stuff…so he sends in Greasy Chris three months later. Greasy used to sit on City council with the other Goldfish]

8/30/19 [page A4]: Lampasas company S2M2 Inc., represented at Monday’s meeting by Chris Harrison, is seeking city cost-sharing for the detention pond, which would occupy three lots the company otherwise could have used to build houses in its proposed Brodie Estates subdivision. S2M2 is asking the city to spend $125,000 toward the detention pond, Harrison said. That amount, he told city officials, is about half what the water detention structure will cost the company — when factoring in pond development expenses, the value of the three buildable lots the company will sacrifice and the profit that the sale of three houses could have generated. The pond is not required for Brodie Estates.

The mayor said city officials need to think again about a detention pond

[Now that former council buddy Harrison is asking, Mayor Talbert thinks they need to “think again”. Notice the cost has already jumped from $105,000 to $125,000. These wormy shits do this all the time.]

9/20/19 [page 4]: “the City committed to pay S2M2 a maximum of $150,000 for the company’s actual costs of surveying, engineering and building a rainwater detention pond in the subdivision. Council members have said the detention pond is not required to develop Brodie Estates.”

Harrison said developers requested city cost sharing because adding the detention pond will cause S2M2 to sacrifice three lots it otherwise could have used to build houses. On another item, the amended development agreement specifies that the city will reimburse S2M2 a maximum of $40,000 for engineering, easement acquisition, construction and materials for a water line loop.”


The Seven Goldfish went from “NO, we won’t spend $105,000” to “we should rethink this” at $125,000 to “here is $150,000 PLUS another $40,000 for some water line stuff”

Genius negotiating on the part of Mayor Talbert and the other Goldfish. I guess the taxpaying saps should be thankful that they only got clipped for $185,000 when the maximum possible reimbursement was $190,000.

Gee thanks, S2M2 and Greasy Chris Harrison for leaving a few crumbs! Maybe they can take that $5,000 they “saved” and give it out to Wool & Vine as one of those business grants that Councilman Harrison was opposed to back in 2015. It would be a final bit of irony!

Here is a video of local developers looting City coffers with help from the wizards on City council:

Lampasas Economic Development Corp Committed To Making Taxpayers All Over The U.S. Pay For Their Incompetence

Not content to just blow MANY MILLIONS of dollars of Lampasas city money on a 165-acre weed patch ‘business park’ over the last 17 years, the Lampasas Economic Dunces Club is now formally submitting a grant application (asking for free stuff from federal taxpayers) to the federal government. Which means that nurses from Georgia, bus drivers from Oklahoma and teachers from Michigan will now be funding the LEDC’s ‘business park’ boondoggle indirectly through their federal tax payments.

The bullshit they sold taxpayers 7 years and millions of dollars ago – a pipe dream ^^^
REALITY – a shitty weed patch where corpses are dumped on south Hwy-183

Langford Community Management Services will be charging the LEDC $7,500 to write up the grant. This money is to help pay for the nearly TWO MILLION DOLLAR “Phase I” (actually it’s Phase II but who’s counting) ‘improvement’ to the goat pasture they own.

I have covered this boondoggle of waste and (in my opinion) outright nest feathering  HEREHEREHEREHERE and HERE

Recently, the same idiots who said we were all set five years ago, NOW say we need to plow ANOTHER $1.9 million into this fiasco to get it REALLY shovel-ready (even though it was supposedly shovel-ready before). They are even brazenly (and DISHONESTLY) calling this “Phase I” of the ‘business park’ improvements. I guess the ONE MILLION you blew back in 2015 was Phase Zero?

Mike White HIMSELF called the ‘business park’ “a goat pasture” and a “poor return on investment” which has been going on for DECADES [5/26/20 Council meeting at the 10:08 and 19:30 minute mark].

According to Mandy Walsh herself at the last meeting [go to 6:34 mark]

“We have discussed the EDA (Economic Development Administration) CARES ACT…with our grant writers at length for community management services. What that is, is Congress appropriated $1.5 billion to strengthen and assist communities recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. So the EDA is accepting applications for grants that support a wide variety of projects…um, including, ah, infrastructure…and economic development projects, so that’s what we’re going to be applying for, is the disaster funding through the EDA”

Yeah Mandy….the ‘business park’ is a disaster, all right. But it is a disaster of YOUR making, NOT because of the coronavirus.

So, Mandy and the LEDC are going to try and scam the feds out of a huge pile of money EVEN THOUGH THIS BUSINESS PARK FIASCO HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CORONAVIRUS and has been a disaster for “DECADES”, by the admission of Mike White himself [5/26 council meeting].

This enrages me just as much as when I see scumbag politicians in Illinois/Chicago or New York tell the Federal government that they need to fork over $41.6 billion to their cities/states “because of Covid” and Uncle Sugar should just hand over a check.

I’m sorry, but no, your finances aren’t a train wreck because of Covid. They have been a train wreck for decades because of wasteful and idiotic spending by liberals. Chicago and New York made their beds by electing socialists and morons who ran their budgets into the ground….they should lay in those beds WITHOUT a bailout from the Feds – i.e., the rest of us.

Same goes for Mandy Walsh, the LEDC and our own City council…many of whom I would assume identify as “Republican” or “conservative”. YOU made this mess. YOU kept throwing good money after bad. YOU made this bed and now YOU should lie in it….not some poor tax paying sap who lives in Georgia or Arizona.

I can tell you this: if it’s the last thing I do, I am going to try and stop this theft of federal money you are using to cover up LEDC and City council incompetence. Get ready for a flood of Open Records Requests from me. Who is your “viable tenant” for the ‘business park’ that you are pinning your hopes on and bullshitting the Feds with on your grant application? I sure hope it isn’t Mike Cour and his Eco-Strong scam, because I already visited his OTHER company (Equicare at 15500 S-US 183) and took photos of the absolute JOKE ‘Eco-Strong” is. It is a weed patch with some crappy rubber mats piled up that have been there for quite a while, by the looks of it.

[Not to mention, Mike Cour and Equicare currently sit on approximately 200 acres ALREADY. He has ZERO need for the business park unless he himself is trying to scam some free stuff from the taxpaying chumps of Lampasas. Don’t worry…I’m all over him like a cheap suit, too]

I’ll be there at every turn calling you all out as welfare queens and parasites, which you most certainly are. This is brazen theft and, in my opinion, fraud. The money you are trying to scam out of Uncle Sugar has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with coronavirus and EVERYTHING to do with rampant incompetence and fiscal mismanagement on the part of the LEDC, City council and Mandy Walsh herself.

Mandy Walsh and LEDC Go Full Federal: Will Become Welfare Queens By Scamming Federal Government “Covid Money” For Their Business Park Boondoggle

For those of you who live under a rock, the Lampasas Economic Development Corp (LEDC) has been wasting millions on a “business park” for YEARS now, with nothing to show for it. They have owned the 165-acre weed patch for about 17 years and plowed about $1 million dollars just in “improvements” into it back in 2015 – promising that “high-paying jobs” would soon follow. That did not happen. The weed patch has sat there as a multi-million-dollar disaster for another five years since then.

[I have covered this ad nauseam HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE]

Recently, the same idiots who said we were all set five years ago, NOW say we need to plow ANOTHER $1.9 million into this fiasco to get it REALLY shovel-ready (even though it was supposedly shovel-ready before). They are even brazenly (and DISHONESTLY) calling this “Phase I” of the ‘business park’ improvements. I guess the ONE MILLION you blew back in 2015 was Phase Zero?

Who would be stupid enough to hand Mandy and the LEDC ANOTHER $1.9 million for this failed project? A project that City council member Mike White HIMSELF called “a goat pasture” and a “poor return on investment” which has been going on for DECADES [5/26/20 Council meeting at the 10:08 and 19:30 minute mark].

Why, the Federal Government would be stupid enough, of course! According to Mandy Walsh at the 6/22/20 City council meeting, they will be applying for grants [free money] from programs established FOR CORONAVIRUS RELIEF.

According to Mandy Walsh herself at the last meeting [go to 6:34 mark]

“We have discussed the EDA (Economic Development Administration) CARES ACT…with our grant writers at length for community management services. What that is, is Congress appropriated $1.5 billion to strengthen and assist communities recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. So the EDA is accepting applications for grants that support a wide variety of projects…um, including, ah, infrastructure…and economic development projects, so that’s what we’re going to be applying for, is the disaster funding through the EDA”

Yeah Mandy….the ‘business park’ is a disaster, all right. But it is a disaster of YOUR making, NOT because of the coronavirus.

So, Mandy and the LEDC are going to try and scam the feds out of a huge pile of money EVEN THOUGH THIS BUSINESS PARK FIASCO HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CORONAVIRUS and has been a disaster for “DECADES”, by the admission of Mike White himself [5/26 council meeting].

This enrages me just as much as when I see scumbag politicians in Illinois/Chicago or New York tell the Federal government that they need to fork over $41.6 billion to their cities/states “because of Covid” and Uncle Sugar should just hand over a check.

I’m sorry, but no, your finances aren’t a train wreck because of Covid. They have been a train wreck for decades because of wasteful and idiotic spending by liberals. Chicago and New York made their beds by electing socialists and morons who ran their budgets into the ground….they should lay in those beds WITHOUT a bailout from the Feds – i.e., the rest of us.

Same goes for Mandy Walsh, the LEDC and our own City council…many of whom I would assume identify as “Republican” or “conservative”. YOU made this mess. YOU kept throwing good money after bad. YOU made this bed and now YOU should lie in it….not some poor tax paying sap who lives in Georgia or Arizona.

I can tell you this: if it’s the last thing I do, I am going to try and stop this theft of federal money you are using to cover up LEDC and City council incompetence. Get ready for a flood of Open Records Requests from me. Who is your grant writer? What percentage of the dough are they getting? Who is your “viable tenant” for the ‘business park’ that you are pinning your hopes on and bullshitting the Feds with on your grant application? I sure hope it isn’t Mike Cour and his Eco-Strong scam, because I already visited his OTHER company (Equicare at 15500 S-US 183) and took photos of the absolute JOKE ‘Eco-Strong” is. It is a weed patch with some crappy rubber mats piled up that have been there for quite a while, by the looks of it.

[Not to mention, Mike Cour and Equicare currently sit on approximately 200 acres ALREADY. He has ZERO need for the business park unless he himself is trying to scam some free stuff from the taxpaying chumps of Lampasas. Don’t worry…I’m all over him like a cheap suit, too]

I’ll be there at every turn calling you all out as welfare queens and parasites, which you most certainly are. This is brazen theft and, in my opinion, fraud. The money you are trying to scam out of Uncle Sugar has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with coronavirus and EVERYTHING to do with rampant incompetence and fiscal mismanagement on the part of the LEDC, City council and Mandy Walsh herself.