Socialist Bum Who Lives With Mom Gets Mad When People Who Work Hard Get To Keep More Of THEIR Money.

As usual, local socialist Clayton Tucker has history exactly backwards. I wonder what it’s like to go through life being 100% wrong about EVERY issue? Pretty hard to do, actually. You’d think he’d be right once or twice just by accident.

First of all, you forgot a few guys, you ass hat. How about:

LBJ: got us involved in Vietnam and fucked up the economy with massive new welfare programs and was a unabashed racist who used the word “nigger” nonstop?

Or maybe…

Carter: fucked up the economy with MASSIVE inflation that was so bad he got destroyed when he ran for re-election? He was also a shitty peanut farmer who tried to “revive the family farm” and ended up $1 million in debt (sound familiar? LOL.)

Funny you left those out.

Kennedy: didn’t actually put anyone on the moon himself. I doubt he could even multiply two two-digit numbers together if you gave him a calculator.

He was a serial philanderer and child of privilege who never earned a single thing on his own. Daddy (Joe Sr.) got him his first few jobs and he went into politics like the rest of the useless Kennedy rats. A trust fund baby just like Clayton Tucker himself.

[Kennedy also SLASHED taxes, which by Clayton Tucker’s logic is “handing out money to rich people.” JFK would be considered a radical right wing MAGA by today’s standards.]

You know who put us on the moon? Extremely smart white guys. The same super smart white guys that shitlibs like Clayton Tucker blame for everything in today’s day and age. You know who DIDN’T have anything to do with putting man on the moon? Haitian immigrants.

99.99% white men.

Reagan: self-made man who slashed tax rates – which resulted in a massive economic boom and raised ALL boats – since it allowed the private sector to keep what they earned. Hugely beloved by the nation. Absolutely massacred poor Walter Mondale in 1984. It was the biggest ass beating in electoral history (525 electoral votes to 13), that’s how popular Reagan was. Mondale only got 13 more electoral votes than I got, and I wasn’t even running for president.

I was between the ages of 11 and 19 when Reagan was in office, so I actually know the reality of what he did. Clayton Tucker was still a rotten sperm in his dad’s ball sack and has no idea what he’s talking about.

Clinton: eliminated the deficit? LOL. OK, for a split second (and if you don’t count all the TRILLIONS in off-balance-sheet liabilities for welfare programs the shitlibs gave us), thanks to a massive stock market bubble that consequently burst and saw the NASDAQ drop about 80%. If Clinton were to run for president today on the same issues as he did in 1992, retards like Clayton Tucker would label him a “radical right-winger” due to things like welfare reform. Compared to Joe Biden and Obama, Clinton looks positively appealing today.

Oh, and he also was credibly accused of rape by more than a few women who he subsequently paid off with hush money ($800,000 in 1991 dollars or about $2.4 million in today’s dollars). Also shoved a cigar into the pussy of an intern named Monica Lewinsky.

George Bush: more money for rich people? Um, no. He raised taxes drastically – and people voted him out of office for it. He was a fucking retard.

Obama: universal health care? If he did that, then why is a commie like Clayton Tucker STILL whining about wanting universal health care (socialized medicine) to this very day??? No, all Obama did was stick the government’s hand even further up the ass of the health care system (LBJ was even worse) which resulted in insurance premiums SKYROCKETING for all Americans.

President Obama’s oft-repeated promise that “if you like your health care plan, you can keep it” was 2013’s “lie of the year,” according to the fact checkers at the Tampa Bay Times’ nonpartisan PolitiFact project.

He was a fucking disaster, a race baiter, a communist and a closet homosexual. He had lots in common with Comrade Clayton, too!!

Trump: lowered tax rates. Yup – guilty as charged. Of course, those people EARNED that money and it is THEIRS to keep in the first place. It is not the property of scumbags like Clayton Tucker and other socialist bums to steal as they like.

I’ll admit Trump has a LONG way to go before he is a free-market purist (he used to be a democrat, after all) but the economy under Trump was pretty fucking good. Clayton Tucker doesn’t know that either because he’s never worked in the real world, owned his own place or run a business. He was busy putting masks on in the car by himself in 2020 and crying about the economy being opened “too soon” after Covid. Yet another thing he was 100% wrong about

Biden: Infrastructure bill? You mean like every single president has done for the last 60 years? Big deal. The only thing different about Biden’s infrastructure spending is that almost all of it was wasted.

Biden’s $7.5 billion investment in EV charging has only produced 7 stations in two years

The $42 billion internet program that has connected 0 people

Inflation Reduction Act? BAHAHAHAHAHA. He oversaw 9% inflation – the highest since the Carter years.

The Chips Act? Now that actually IS handing out money to rich corporations, like Intel ($100 billion market cap).

Student ‘Debt Reform’? No, that is stealing money from people who DIDN’T go to college and paying the debt of morons who did. Oh, and it is also unconstitutional.

Here ends the history lesson, you scumbag, socialist parasite.