Clayton Tucker’s Latest “Farm & Food PAC” Non-Profit Grift Changes Wording On Website Because Of Me.

A few months ago, I pointed out that Comrade Clayton appeared to be libeling current Ag Commissioner Sid Miller by baselessly accusing him of kickbacks:

I’m guessing that much smarter people (like Jim Hightower, probably) realized this was a bad idea and forced Comrade Clayton to entirely change the wording so as to not get his ass sued into oblivion by Sid Miller:

The new wording:

That’s right, Comrade Clayton! I call the tunes and you dance like the brainless monkey you are! Dance monkey!!

Of course this “Farm & Food PAC” is yet another grift that Comrade Clayton pushes to bilk money off of fellow shitlib dummies and which does absolutely nothing in return. He was even pushing it last weekend at his silly-assed “Dem State Chair Debate” function and on his moronic Substack:

Anything to avoid an honest-day’s work, right Comrade? You keep grifting and I’ll keep exposing your grifts, shitbird!

Fake Farmer “Working Hard” Waltzing Around the Capitol Building Taking Selfies.

The fake farmer and rancher is at it again! He has found about a dozen different ways to “work hard for the people” without actually ever doing any work. It’s amazing. Truly, a Bernie Sanders clone in every way.

Yes, he’s “hard at work”. Just look at him! Today is one of the first few days of spring, the weather is beautiful and REAL farmers were tilling and planting like crazy today. REAL farmers are getting shit in the ground for the rains coming next week and getting their hands dirty.

For the record: this is hard work:

This is NOT hard work:

Fake farmers drive down to Austin after getting up at 9:30am and stroll around the rotunda taking pictures of themselves and probably loitering around outside Vikki Goodwin’s office hoping she’ll offer him a cushy job.

He’s doing all of this to “make sure folks are better able to buy and sell” food, whatever that means. I don’t see anyone starving in the streets around here – in fact, quite the opposite. Local Marxist Bruce Haywood and appears to be quite well-fed despite not even working for a living:

Seems like everyone is pretty “able” to buy food, despite Green New Deal retards like AOC, Joe Biden, and Clayton Tucker causing the price of diesel, fertilizer and other crucial farm inputs to explode higher with their idiotic policies and push to eliminate “evil” fossil fuels.

In fact, Comrade Clayton Tucker, who claims to be a farmer, lives in his mom’s house literally TWO BLOCKS from the weekly Lampasas Farmers Market – which happens tomorrow. Seems to me that if Clayton Tucker the farmer wants to feed people, he’d be at the market tomorrow selling the food he grows.

But I’ll bet you a MILLION DOLLARS that he won’t be! Tell you what, comrade: I’ll bring MY products down there tomorrow and give them away for free. I think I have a few dozen eggs in the fridge from my chicken coop. How about you do the same with YOUR products.

You know where to reach me:

Hmmm…Who Should I Believe?

I am facing a terrible conundrum. I can’t decide who to listen to about the economy. One side says it’s the best economy EVER! Another side says it’s dogshit and we’re about to go down the toilet into a worldwide recession.


On one side, we have the CEO of FedEx.

FedEx is a $53 billion company. Well, it was until this morning, anyway. They have 547,000 employees, have been around for 50 years, and are basically the lifeblood of the United States. They have 18,000 locations all over the planet. They have about 700 transport jets and 80,000 vehicles in their fleet.

On the other side we have this:

A 370-pound human skin tag named Bruce Haywood. Haywood has never run a business in his life, has zero employees, doesn’t work at the ripe old age of 58, is a parasite who lives on government checks and who stays up til 1am posting anti-American screeds on Facebook and then sleeping until noon. He exists thanks to the generosity of the taxpayer and his only contact with the “real” economy are the cashiers at Whataburger and Krab Kingz.

HE says the economy is kicking ass!

Hmmmmm. Very tough call. I think I’m gonna have to go with the guy who is NOT a retarded parade float.

Bruce Haywood – aka Loose Haywire – Should Be Institutionalized.

Clearly Loose Haywire is a schizophrenic. One day he says one thing, and a few days later, a completely different (albeit equally retarded) persona appears to yammer about shit that directly contradicts what Personality #1 said previously.

His family should really have him institutionalized. Mentally ill people should not be allowed to vote, either.

A few months ago (as gas was hitting $4.50 a gallon), Loose Haywire sputtered and spit all over himself with indignation and informed us that it was NOT Brandon’s fault gas prices were skyrocketing higher – it was the “greedy corporations”, as usual.

Corporations all synchronized their watches to turn greed ON in Jan 2020.

In the old days, Loose Haywire would have been right about this. Presidents DIDN’T have much to do with gas prices. Except Dementia Joe is different. Dementia Joe has declared war on fossil fuels repeatedly, because Dementia Joe is in the pocket of the Chinese and the commies. He has shut down pipelines and curtailed oil and gas leasing and permitting. That is a fact. Everybody knows it. Dementia Joe also signed $1.9 TRILLION of spending into law, which created inflation EVERYWHERE – including gasoline. This is also a fact.

Hell, FIVE DAYS ago, Brandon’s Treasury Secretary (an annoying a dim-witted gnome named Janet Yellen) declared war on fossil fuels AGAIN! Why is the Treasury Secretary even commenting on fossil fuels since it has ZERO to do with her job? Good question. Brandon’s administration is filled with know-nothing zealots who want to destroy fossil fuels and America.

But even retarded Dementia Joe knows that high gas prices will eventually be his undoing since people feel that pain once a week at the pumps. So Dementia Joe had to DO SOMETHING to paper over his mess until the elections in November. What Dementia Joe did is raid our Strategic Petroleum Reserves to artificially suppress oil prices for a little bit. This is the stockpile we keep in case the shit hits the fan so our military will not be caught short on fuel.

The SPR has been drained of hundreds of millions of barrels of oil over the last couple months. This is also a fact.

There’s just one thing, the price of gas at the pump is still up 76% since Biden was elected…

Oh, and we’re also in a recession now – which destroys demand. Another reason prices have eased a bit. Congratulations, Brandon! Your economy is in recession! Haywire probably doesn’t even realize this, because he doesn’t have a job and lives off the government.

If Loose Haywire understood a single thing about how the world works, he’d know this. But Bruce Haywire never leaves his house except to go buy sacks of Whataburger and Krab Kingz. His entire existence is made possible by receiving government checks – because Bruce Haywire does not work at all. Bruce Haywire lives off the taxpayer as a parasite. He sleeps all day and stays up all night watching CNN and posting anti-American garbage on Facebook.

He ALSO now claims that Brandon IS responsible for gas prices, after all! Now that they have gone down, Loose Haywire gives all glory to Dementia Joe, the Almighty!

Oh, so now Brandon DID do that? Amazing! I wonder which quasi-retarded Loose Haywire persona we will see next week!

Too bad inflation is STILL raging everywhere…

P.S. – tomorrow marks five weeks since weaponized FBI agents raided Trump’s house. He still walks free. How you like that, Loose Haywire? I guess all those “nuclear secrets” he was going to sell to the Russians weren’t really there after all.

Clayton Tucker Already Begging For Money – Socialist Moochers Always Gonna Mooch

Wow – THAT didn’t take long. As you can see, socialist weasel Clayton Tucker has repurposed his previous campaign templates and inserted “Lampasas City Council” so he can beg for money from the masses. Here is an email that arrived yesterday morning:

What kind of MORON thinks it is impossible to apply for a job in person??? Jesus.

He is absolutely shameless about lying, as you can see. Whether it’s trying to pass himself off as an “energy policy expert” [column 4 and 5], pass himself off as a rancher, or pass himself off as a “working man” the lies come very easy to this socialist parasite.

He even manages to lie in this fundraising letter: “the margins are tight”? Really? I’m unaware of any polling for the very minor race of Place 1 Lampasas City council…so how do you know the margins are tight, you little weasel?

I’m starting to think this is how the weasel moocher lives full time! His resume shows a distinct LACK of real jobs over the years. How the hell does he pay the bills? Phone, cable, gas, insurance, groceries….that shit costs money!

When he ran against Dawn Buckingham last year, records show he raised $105,314 but only spent $58,611. Soooo….where did the other $46,700 go, Clayton? Is that how you live? Mooching off of others? You can’t dip into that $46,700 to buy an ad in the Lampasas Dispatch for your City council ‘campaign’? Instead you have your tin cup out on the Internet?

What an unbelievable worm this kid is.

Keith McBurnett, Superintendent Of Burnet CISD, Is a Wildly Overpaid, Opportunistic, Worm-Filled Turd.

Is that too harsh? Nah. Not after what he did this week.

First, let me first explain that Keith McBurnett is a ladder-climbing, government bureaucrat who makes more in a month than the average person in Burnet makes in a year.

[Note: these are 2018 numbers. LARGE raises were doled out to EVERYONE in the government-run school systems in 2019. It is likely Keith’s new salary number is more like $187,000. Also, don’t forget the fat bennies – medical and retirement. For Lampasas City gov, that runs roughly 40% of salary. I’ll be kind and assume 30% – which gives us an adjusted total of $243,000 annually. I then divide that by nine (NOT 12) since they all get summers off and voila: Keith is likely pulling down $27,000 PER MONTH]

Back to the story…..

Keith McBurnett sent out a letter to Burnet parents this week informing them of the death of middle-school principal Jeremy LeJeune. In this letter, he explained that LeJeune “had long battled a rare blood vessel disorder that required hospital visits and admissions“.

So far, so good. The poor guy had some serious medical issues.

The next part is where Keith McBurnett makes his outrageous claims: and shows what a parasitic worm he really is:

This past weekend “LeJeune recognized that he needed to go to the hospital. As part of the routine admission process, he tested positive for COVID-19. Although he was asymptomatic, it is likely that the virus exacerbated his condition”.

“Likely exacerbated”?? Says who? Keith McBurnett the government bureaucrat? Absolutely outrageous. Hey Keith, just because you are a government parasite who is paid more than most medical doctors, that doesn’t make you one – you wormy turd. Laying this death at the feet of “Covid” is the worst type of opportunistic, weasel move I have seen in a while.

I’m sure the HOSPITAL that LeJeune had the misfortune to check in to was more than happy to code this “Covid” so they could get more money. Keith McBurnett is happy to do it for the same reasons. Making it look like your school is wallowing in Covid deaths is a fantastic way to scam more $$$ from the taxpayer.

Keith McBurnett’s moronic public assertion that this was a “Covid death” was, of course, grabbed by an even more moronic press and we end up with THESE types of bullshit headlines:

Multiply horseshit stories like this about 50,000 times nationwide and you have now created a “pandemic”. This poor LeJeune guy was NOT a healthy individual, by McBurnett’s own admission.

McBurnett then shut down the school and instituted remote learning – which we all know is a complete joke.

Burnet school system has had 13 students and 25 staff members test positive AND RECOVER from Wuhan Flu this year – ZERO DEATHS. Their school system is about the size of ours (roughly 3,200 students and 550 staff). In that regard, they are doing FAR better than our school system (roughly 71 total students and staff infected and recovered). Zero deaths in either school, I’ll remind you.

Yet he shut the school down over the death of a man who clearly had issues before Covid hit and was asymptomatic! Overpaid turd Keith McBurnett uses Mr LeJeune’s death as a political football and an excuse to rob hundreds of students of a proper education. Instead, letting them sit around in pajamas all day “remote learning”.

I bet every single gov employee still gets a full paycheck though, eh Keith? Let’s look at Keith’s priorities over the years – I don’t see much about “educating children” but I DO see a whole lot of money grabbing and ladder climbing out of this bureaucrat parasite:

“Historic pay raises” to his bloated administrative staff! Quite a legacy you have there, Superintendent Numb Nuts.

I’ll never understand why the teachers don’t pick up pitchforks and torches over these bloated administrative salaries and useless positions. If I actually spent my day teaching and had to see some pinhead bureaucrat sit around all day pushing paper and making FOUR TIMES more money than me, I’d be pretty steamed about it.

Looks like I have a new gov parasite to keep an eye on! Can’t wait til the new salaries are published for 2019. Should be a real eye-opener for us poor taxpaying saps.

P.S. – just an observation for the maskholes: if the unfortunate Mr LeJeune had pre-existing medical conditions AND worked in the school system, I have to assume he was RELIGIOUS about wearing a mask and washing his hands, correct? All the kids wear masks too…and everyone else. Remember? All the “I protect you and you protect me” bullshit?

Soooo…ummmm… did he catch the virus in the first place?

“I Haven’t Paid Income Taxes In 23 Years….Where’s My Free Money??” – Bruce Haywood

Shocker. The brain-dead Democrat who is always happy to see the government spend more money and thinks big government is the answer to everything actually contributes NOTHING!!! Color me stunned.

It takes some REAL nerve to go on a public forum, admit you pay zero to the feds for most of your adult life, then ask for a check from the very same federal government. Bruce, I thought you were just a garden variety moron Democrat before this. Now I see you are an unabashed parasite as well.

Almost as bad as the other idiots who ask “Hey, I get disability checks….do I get a stimulus check too?”. Seriously – how many times does the government have to send you a check for not working? If you are disabled and not working (REALLY disabled…not ‘depressed’ or 500 pounds overweight from eating McDonald’s every day), then how has your life changed due to a virus, exactly? You’re STILL not working and you are already taken care of. Yet you want to steal more from the productive citizen.

Maybe this country NEEDS a plague. Get rid of the 40 million parasites who ask questions like this and say “gimme gimme gimme”.