My, my. You’d think after wasting $170,000 on an un-needed and rarely-used bathroom (that was NOT put out for competitive bidding), you would AT LEAST take care of the damn thing.

Here we are a MONTH after these signs fist appeared and the are STILL there today!
There was a saying in Chicago when people talked about how corrupt and incompetent Mayor Daley was: “At least the trains run on time”. And it’s true. If you get a few things right – like the trains running on time and the garbage being picked up – dummy voters will overlook ALL the other corruption and stupidity and incompetence. But the minute you inconvenience the voter a little bit, they will come after you for ALL of it.
It’s a lesson that City Manager Finley deGraffenreid (who is paid $140,000 per year PLUS big benefits) has not bothered to learn, apparently. I guess Finley is too busy drawing up plans to waste the NEXT $300,000 (Hostess House remodel) to bother taking care of the toys he already has.
Luckily, these $170,000 bathrooms (worth more than most of the houses on the same block) are rarely used – which is why I was so opposed to them in the first place.
NOW, he lets them sit there broken for a MONTH! What a joke.
Luckily we have a chance very soon to clean house on City council. Two council members are retiring and one looooong time substandard member (TJ Monroe) is up for re-election. Let’s be sure to give her the boot and get some new blood in there.