New Economic Development Director Stacey Ybarra Will Make $85,000 Per Year To Start.

Wow.…and that doesn’t include the fat bennies either (roughly $30,000 if history is any guide). Total cost to the taxpayer? Over $115,000

I’m pretty sure that’s MORE than Mandy Walsh made [page 96] AFTER she had been here five years already AND went to school for more training to get a bunch of letters after her name.

It’s also very fat considering there isn’t really any objective way to know if she is “doing a good job” at “directing the development” here!

I mean, if the guy who fixes water mains or downed power lines fucks up, you’ll know about it pretty fast when the line explodes again or the power doesn’t work. That guy is also called out of his nice warm bed plenty of times to fix those messes in shitty weather or the middle of the night.

Something tells me Stacey won’t have to do any of that for HER $85,000 – which is probably TWICE the money that poor guy who does REAL work makes!

Ain’t government work grand!

Now Finley might tell you “well, we only had a few applicants and we had to jack up the wage to attract some people”, which is funny because Finley NEVER uses that logic when trying to attract life guards to the pool for summer jobs. No, he’d rather just close the pool an extra day. Paying some local high school kids an extra buck an hour for the summer? Sorry – can’t afford it!

But when it comes to the Nerf job of “Economic Development Director”? Oh yeah – let’s shoot for six figures for someone who has NEVER held that position before! Sounds like a good idea!

I’d respond to THAT by saying: “maybe we don’t need anyone to “direct” our economic development in the first place. Let the free market do the job”.

And I’d be right.