Clayton Tucker is a ‘political organizer’ for “Our Revolution” – which is a socialist offshoot of the 2016 campaign of socialist Bernie Sanders. They want The Green New Deal, socialized medicine, free tuition, cancellation of all student debt, amnesty for illegal border jumpers, job-killing $15 minimum wage, banning rifles and a whole pile of other rubbish. See their beliefs at the link below:
If you ever wonder what Clayton Tucker thinks on any issue, ask yourself, “What would AOC do?” and you have your answer.
Lest you doubt that Clayton Tucker the fake rancher is a good little socialist, here an article from last year:

Now, can socialist Clayton Tucker accomplish any of this stuff as Place 1 City council member? Of course not. BUT, when punks like Clayton Tucker get elected to ANYTHING, it lends legitimacy to their abhorrent ideas. It allows them to put a “feather in their cap” and say “Look! I was elected to office! I can win!” and they will use that as a stepping stone to higher office.
That CANNOT be allowed to happen. Not in Lampasas. I’ll work against this weasel til the day I die. THAT is how much I detest socialists and Big Government.
Clayton Tucker should pack his bags and move to California. Get the hell out of Texas, you socialist weasel.