Thank you to all the brilliant MEN who explore for oil and gas, who are clever and tough enough to get it out of the ground through miles of rock, who use complex chemistry and physics to refine it into useful products, who build and maintain the incredible machines and dynamos that spin day and night to produce power and heat for fat, lazy, greentard morons who sit comfortably in their house doing nothing but complaining.

Texas is using close to 60 gigawatts right this moment. Solar is kicking in only 1%. Wind is not doing much better (6%).

Luckily, we have big, beautiful, gas-powered turbines to keep us warm and alive.

Greentards who think wind and solar can meet our needs don’t have the first CLUE about the amount of talent and skill and knowledge it takes to keep this modern infrastructure running. Hell, Clayton Tucker cannot even use a wrench correctly!!! He thinks a nut is a bolt!!
If I had my way, any person who has publicly championed pinwheels and solar as part of our grid system would have their power turned off this entire week. Then they would be deported to Venezuela with the word “Asshole” tattooed on their foreheads.

While pinwheels and solar vaporize tens of billions of dollars in subsidies, oil and gas get taxed to death. Tell me again, Comrade Clayton, how oil and gas are subsidized, you absolute moron.