CorVive Hucksters Throw Out More Crazy Claims

I recently saw a CorVive huckster make the following claim:

“For those of you who haven’t been feeling so good…if you mix the NRG [overpriced CorVive product] with warm water, a teaspoon of honey, and freshly squeezed lemon it helps. The honey is a great antimicrobial and the energy in the NRG helps loosen everything up!!”

Sounds like somebody has a garage full of overpriced magic beans to try and unload! Wow. Let’s examine this ludicrous statement.

The energy in the NRG help loosen everything up!!” Not sure how that is physically possible, since there literally is NO energy in the NRG potion. Says right there on the label. Do you see any calories on the list? I sure don’t. Calories are energy. B6 is not energy. B12 is not energy. Caffeine is also not energy – it is a stimulant. Taurine is an amino acid – it is also found in Red Bull and other energy drinks…as are the huge doses of B vitamins and niacin. So – kinda all the same stuff found here in NRG.

Maybe this huckster brilliant nutritional expert meant the STIMULANT caffeine will help loosen everything up? How does it do that, exactly? And if it DOES (unproven at this time), then couldn’t you just do the same thing with a cup of warm tea or coffee, which literally cost pennies a serving and is probably sitting in your pantry as we speak? Pretty sure people have been doing that for hundreds of years.

Ah…but then the huckster caring CorVive expert couldn’t unload the pile of magic potion sitting in her garage at a 270% markup! Now I get it. Truly, they are a benevolent and caring cult. Just ask them! CorVive = love, serve, and care!! (yes, they have been using that line!).