Everything is coming up roses for the City of Lampasas! Between saving roughly $80,000 by not opening a public pool, people being forced to stay home due to Wuhan Flu and run up City electric bills, and the idiots in Washington DC handing out trillions of dollars, the City is sitting on a nice surplus!
And you know what we do with surpluses, right? Dream up a million ways to squander it, that’s what!
Sales tax collections were up TWENTY-SIX PERCENT for the month of May compared to May of 2019. That’s an extra $50k or so in the City’s pockets just right there. How is that possible?? Well, the federal government handed just about everyone $1200…PLUS another $500 for each kid…PLUS all the people being paid and extra $600 in unemployment to sit home and watch TV. Add all that up, and there was likely an injection of about $4 million into the local economy. People were SO close to starvation and destitution that they went right out and spent it on tattoos, new dogs, iPhones and other unnecessary shit.
Presto – the City gets an extra $50k in sales tax receipts!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it is another $3 trillion piled on the federal debt, but who cares about that?? Right Bruce? Just print up another few trillion and give everyone a free lunch! Yay! Just remember that when your grocery bill goes up 30% next year. Of course, the SMART people know how printing trillions in paper currency always ends. But I digress.
The City immediatley made some “accelerated purchases” – some sweet 2020 trucks. A City drowning in cash doesn’t bother looking for deals on 2017 models! Hell no! Every City employee is already scheming about how to get “their share” of the windfall, no doubt.

So riddle me this: if the City is sitting on a huge pile of unexpected cash, why are they going to go beg the Federal government for close to a million dollars to fund their corpse repository ‘business park’??
You remember the ‘business park’, right?
Could it be that everyone on City council, the LEDC and City Hall actually DOES know that the ‘business park’ is a giant piece of dogshit and colossal waste of money? Methinks that might be the case.
After all, if pissing away over $4 million on the corpse repository is SUCH a fantastic idea and SUCH a good use of tax dollars, the City would be falling all over themselves to fund it with “their” money.
They’d rather go hat-in-hand to taxpayers all over the United States with their bullshit story about “covid” and steal a pile of cash from hardworking truck drivers in Oklahoma and waitresses in Mighigan, right?
Disgusting. What a bunch of welfare queens.