There are NINE MILLION kids in California under the age of 18. There have been ZERO Covid deaths.
Not one.

But that is not stopping the LA and San Diego school districts from deciding they will NOT HAVE in-person learning for the start of the year.
That is an outrage. Will those in charge of the Lampasas school system be just as insane? Will the misinformed and ignorant crowd of screaming baboons like Bruce Haywood, Melissa Johnson and Karen Spivey-Cummings get their way? I sure as hell hope not. But I suspect the worst will come to pass.
Even the 67,000-member America Academy of Pediatrics says that the tiny risks of opening are VASTLY outweighed by the massive benefits of kids going back to school in person.
The people running the show at the LISD need to also realize the supposed “surge” in Texas is mainly the result of a very sneaky and dishonest change in the methodology used to report new ‘cases’ back in mid-May! Either way – the percentage of DEATHS continues to plummet steeply. The worst is clearly behind us already.
This is VERY MUCH an ‘old person’s’ threat. Not a threat to children and teachers under 70.

[** Oh, sorry, Bruce and Karen: ‘Cohort’ means a group of people in a demographic study sharing some factor. In this case, age.]