I still can’t believe the current rumors, but after everything I’ve seen over the last 3 years, nothing would surprise me anymore…

Now is the time nip this in the bud. To re-commit yourself to loudly supporting any business in town who refuses to force masks on people. To ostracizing and shaming and ridiculing any piece of shit who embraces this nonsense again.
As a helpful guide, here are some of the locals who loudly backed it the first time. They will back masks and lockdowns again not only because they are idiot liberals, but because NONE OF THEM HAVE A JOB. It is no sacrifice for them at all to sit home all day, because that’s what they do anyways.
Stephanie “Potato Head” Fitzharris. She has recently purchased her mother’s house on Spring Street (after living in Oregon, Santa Monica CA and Austin TX) and is trying to pass herself off as a conservative. She is not. She is a hard-core lefty and authoritarian mask/vax/Biden lover. I have covered her EXTENSIVELY HERE. Also, use search function.

Bruce “The Manatee” Haywood. One of the loudest (and fattest) voices for keeping kids out of school during Covid the first time around (2020/2021 school year). He kept his own kid out of school as well. Bruce spends his days sleeping til noon, not paying any property taxes, and ranting about how Trump should be in jail. So the lockdowns and masking he loves so much will not inconvenience him at all.

Clayton “Trust Fund” Tucker – Chairman of Lampasas Democrat Party: Rabid socialist, authoritarian and promoter of forced masking and “vaccines.” Was running against Dawn Buckingham (a REAL doctor) during Covid in 2020 and had the nerve to imply she was hurting people by NOT wearing a mask. He is known to wear a mask in a car BY HIMSELF. Also has no job and lives with mom, so lockdowns don’t harm him.

Melissa “Crazy Cane Lady” Johnson. This lunatic hermit has worn a mask her entire life…something she failed to mention until YEARS after Covid when she was calling everyone selfish for NOT wearing a mask. She is jobless, friendless and brainless. Lockdowns and forced masking do not change her life one bit.

Julie Cain Landrum: Massive Covid rat who tattled publicly on several local businesses during Covid. Ran a hobby lemonade stand during Covid (Wool & Vine) which failed earlier this year (karma is a bitch!) – currently unemployed again and lockdowns/masking will not affect her at all. I have covered her extensively as well. Use search function.

Lee Morey. Another fat guy who liked to tell us all how awesome he is and how terrible you are. He’s clearly terrible at assessing risk since he rides motorcycles but is afraid of a cold virus.

Grady “Man Gravy” Lucas. Was driven completely insane by Covid and Trump Derangement Syndrome simultaneously. Is STILL petrified of Covid TODAY, despite (1) it being almost the end of 2023 and (2) having had MANY “vaccines” and boosters and STILL getting Covid himself!

Is petrified of a cold virus, yet just fine with jamming another man’s penis down his “soar throat.” Grady is another one who doesn’t have a job – having run his own business into the ground in 2009, he tossed his mom into a nursing home, moved into HER home, and then posted a GoFundMe to “help fix up my mom’s house” to get free shit by fooling people into thinking they were giving to an old lady. Lockdowns and masking will not affect him at all either. No job and no life. A complete piece of shit.
More to come….