Anti-America, Socialist Cockroach Clayton Tucker Tries To Use Football Meme To Push Commie Agenda – Fails Badly.

If America-hating socialist Clayton Tucker (SDEC-24 TX) knows who even ONE of those two guys are in the picture, I’ll eat a bowl of my own shit:

Socialist, America-hating nerds like Clayton Tucker should stay away from NFL memes. I guarantee you Clayton Tucker was not watching the greatest Superbowl ever played last night. He was not screaming at his TV set over red-zone fumbles. He was not cashing 10-1 prop bets on overtime or cheering for Purdy to throw one more fucking pass to hit the over 30.5 attempts or doubling down on KC -3 at halftime.

He was doing none of those things.

He was “manning” a socialist propaganda booth at a Texas Democratic Women’s Convention – which might be one of the gayest things I’ve ever heard of. Better add it to The List:

As you can see, he is with his usual Bernie Bro Kristi Lara – the Dallas commie.

I’d almost admire this move, if I thought he was going to this convention and only acting like a soy boy just to try and bang some chicks. Kristi Lara even has a little Sarah Palin thing going on there – that is, if Sarah Palin ate a few dozen boxes of Girl Scout cookies, got 6 Covid booster shots and then got hit in the face with a frying pan.

The other chicks aren’t really anything to write home about, though…

But sadly, Comrade Clayton is there because he is a hardcore commie termite and actually BELIEVES all of this shit.

Let’s see what kind of drivel the Texas Democrat Women tend to promote:

Jesus Christ. They’re actually CELEBRATING mentally ill men dressing up as women and beating the shit out of REAL women in all sporting events. These people are deranged.