Clayton Tucker of Lampasas was sent to college (paid for by his parents) for the princely sum of around $80,000 for a worthless degree in “International Relations”. He has done absolutely nothing with his life in the TEN YEARS since then except ‘work’ at lame political groups like “Ground Game Texas” hand out campaign literature for OTHER socialist cockroach losers like Beto O’Rourke, Greg Casar and Julie Oliver.
He will be 32 years old next month and still lives with his parents without a real job. He pretends to be a rancher, a farmer and a cowboy. He is actually none of these things.
He is a bum.
Like all socialist bums, he has no clue how anything works but thinks he is an expert. He reposts complete rubbish on social media all day long – usually during working hours, like he did today around noon….

Clayton Tucker has never worked in a McDonald’s. I doubt he would qualify. The manager would look at the giant blank sheet of paper he calls a resume and laugh at him.
Clayton Tucker has never owned a McDonald’s restaurant or employed a single person in his life in ANY capacity. He has created ZERO jobs in his entire shitty life at ANY wage, let alone a “livable” one.
Clayton Tucker does not own any stock in McDonald’s, I would be willing to wager.
So the first question is: why the FUCK do you care what a company pays any of its workers? It is none of your business. If you don’t like the wages they (supposedly) pay, then don’t work there, don’t eat there, and don’t own stock in the company. End of story.
Short of that? Shut the fuck up about it. It doesn’t affect you in the least. You literally cannot even take care of yourself, so stop worrying about people who choose to work at McDonald’s for the prevailing wage. That pimply teen handing out Big Macs is ten times the man you will ever be. Don’t question his choices. A bum and a loser like yourself is not allowed to question the work choices of anybody else.
The second point is this: there are TONS of entry-level jobs around for more than $9 an hour RIGHT NOW. Clayton Tucker wouldn’t know this because he has never actually looked for gainful employment. Instead, he likely waits for mom to throw him some gas money if he goes and mows the lawn at grandpa’s property, which Clayton calls “being a rancher”.
Here is a post from the Lampasas County Breaking News page literally from TODAY!!!

Highly motivated? You can count Clayton Tucker out of that one! He is not a morning person, by his own admission. He’d rather sit at mom’s house and bitch online all day about how unfair wages are in the United States compared to his Nordic utopias. So, literally about two miles from Clayton’s parent’s house is a job available for 55% higher than the $9 he is whining about.
Last year, our very own LEDC told us there were piles of jobs out there paying $20 and $30 an hour! How many did you apply for, Clayton? Oh that’s right. None of them. You twat.
Thirdly: if Denmark is so fucking awesome, why don’t you move there? Oh that’s right: their immigration policies are highly restrictive. You couldn’t go live there even if you wanted to. They are also 96% white and don’t have millions of illiterate Honduran and Haitian riff-raff illegally entering their country every year sucking them dry and driving crime through the roof. Denmark is about 85% smaller than just the state of Texas. They are very small, homogenous, and don’t really allow anyone else to crash the border and ruin their country. So there is that. Not even CLOSE to the situation here in the U.S.
Fourth: Taxes in Denmark are outrageous. That $22 you think you are making will be whittled down considerably by the time you pay for all that welfare. Turns out it will be more like $10, after taxes. There is no such thing as a free lunch – even in your beloved Denmark.
While handing over 55% of what you earn so a bunch of government retards can take care of you from cradle to grave might sound awesome to a frightened, lazy pussy like Clayton Tucker, it sounds like a ripoff to me. No thanks. I want to make my own way in the world. Go fuck yourself.
Fifth: Those same massive taxes stifle innovation, creativity and business creation. Even wonder why every awesome thing on the planet is invented in the United States? The Internet, Apple, Google, Facebook, Netflix, Microsoft, YouTube, cell phones and every other kick ass invention on the planet comes from us…not Denmark. Danes are too busy sitting around smoking cigs, drinking coffee and shitting on capitalism to actually create anything worth a damn.
Sixth: Not every McDonald’s employee makes $9. I’m sure there are plenty who make triple that as managers. It’s called “working your way up” and it is a foreign concept to lazy socialist twats like Clayton Tucker who think they should be paid $100,000 on their first day of work, despite having zero skills or brains.
In closing…
No matter what the job is or where in the world it is, when you first start out you are low man on the totem pole. You eat some shit, prove yourself and work your way up. THAT is how you get ahead in life. People who think they are above all that are the ones who are the losers in life and end up living in mom’s upstairs bedroom….like Clayton Tucker.