Never forget what they did to us. I saved dozens of these because I knew someday we’d be talking about retribution for these evil scumbags.

Exposer of Waste in City Government – Destroyer of Marxist Lice
Never forget what they did to us. I saved dozens of these because I knew someday we’d be talking about retribution for these evil scumbags.
Never forget that THREE buildings collapsed symmetrically, at the rate of free fall, due to fires that were nowhere near temperatures that could weaken steel beams.
Never forget that WTC Building 7 was not hit by a plane.
Never forget that thermite (military-grade demo incendiary) was found in multiple, independent dust samples all over Manhattan.
Never forget that D.C., the most highly surveilled city on the planet, doesn’t have one single frame of the “plane” that hit the Pentagon
Oh, and don’t forget The Dancing Israelis either