Economic Director Stacey Ybarra Attends Nerf Conference – City Pays To Learn Obvious Facts I Have Written About Here For Years (For Free).

Well, better late than never.

Unfortunately, the City had to pay over $1,100 to send Economic Director Stacey Ybarra (starting salary $85,000 plus retirement and medical benefits of over $30,000 per year) on a junket to the Texas Economic Development 2023 Mid-Annual Conference in Dallas a couple of weeks ago.

I have written about these ridiculous Nerf vacations before:

Nerf Job = Nerf Workshops + Nerf Travel

Stacey came back with all SORTS of nuggets of wisdom! Just look:

No way! The world needs people willing to work who have skills, and the colleges are churning out idiots majoring in social justice and gender studies? Who knew???

She got some fancy buzzwords for her money, too. Like “little emperors” – which is a fancy term for “lazy assholes who think they are above getting their hands dirty to earn an honest living.” Like Clayton Tucker.

Oh wait. Everyone has known that for years now. If Stacey had ever worked in the private sector (or even lived in Lampasas) she would have seen it with her own eyes, like the rest of us. The only difference is Stacey Ybarra gets paid $85,000 per year (plus over $30,000 in retirement and medical insurance benefits) to go to Nerf conferences and be told the obvious – and we don’t.

Those of us who run small businesses have known for YEARS that labor is tight – and part of the problem is libtards paying people not to work and also telling them they didn’t have to pay back their school loans or pay their rent because of a fake pandemic. That obviated their need to earn a living.

Many others are just lazy assholes who live with their moms.

If Stacey read here and learned from the lessons put forth, she would have known it too:

Why the Business Park is a Disaster That Cannot Be Fixed (Feb 2022). Where I wrote yet again:

#4 Do we even really NEED the jobs??? Like a general fighting the last war, the LEDC acts like we are some worn-out, down-on-their-luck steel mill town desperate for jobs. The reality is quite the opposite! Every single business in town is hiring and cannot find workers. There are something like 4 million more jobs than workers in this country.

So if jobs are plentiful, why is the LEDC wasting $7,000,000 to bring MORE jobs?

But reading words of wisdom on these pages doesn’t cost a dime and doesn’t come with a fancy title. So instead she goes to empty rooms like this to listen to eggheads state the obvious:

The LEDC now skims over $400,000 PER YEAR off of sales taxes (see Part VIII, line 11a). The City pays the Economic Development Director $85,000 plus over $30,000 in benefits.

Are the citizens really getting over a HALF MILLION DOLLARS of value from all this bullshit every year?

I think you know the answer.

As You Get Your Outrageous Property Tax Bills, Remember Kathy Staruska

This is Kathy Staruska of Lampasas:

Yes, she does look like Odo from Deep Space Nine, but that’s not why we are here today…

She is employed by the Lampasas Independent School District:

She holds the title of “Educational Diagnostician”. I am trying to think of a bigger joke of a job, but having a hard time of it. Maybe life coach? Or Economic Development Director? Tough call. At least Mandy Walsh works 11.25 months out of the year. I’m guessing Staruska ‘works’ for nine.

Kathy has worked for LISD for all of one year. For some reason, they saw fit to bestow her with a ludicrous salary of $75,890 on her very first day:

Before this, she worked for the Texas Juvenile Justice Department with no title that I could find – (notice she went into hiding in 2020 due to ‘Covid’):

So, she worked for the TJJ for several years – sponging about $70,000 annually off the taxpayer. It appears she then went into hiding during 2020 because of “Covid”, of course. Then she somehow decided to apply to the LISD and they said “hell yeah! Let’s start you at almost seventy-six grand!”

Which is insane. Does this “diagnostician” add $76,000 worth of value to the school district (actually more like $90,000 with benefits)? Is this a wise expenditure when REAL teachers are currently very difficult to recruit?

The answers are “NO”. Not even close.

This is a joke of a ‘job’ that teaches zero kids all day, pays a ridiculous salary, has amazing benefits, and a nine-month work year. But that still isn’t enough for this parasite. She wants more:

You aren’t a teacher. You are a parasite. You should be fired, so that REAL teachers can be paid more.

Unsurprisingly, she is a rabid, moronic liberal:

More misinformation about an “insurrection” that never happened.
Of course, NOW we know that the vaxxed are being hospitalized even MORE than the unvaxxed. Just Staruska spreading misinformation again!

That last one is my fave. The woman whose job of “educational diagnostician” is the very definition of “non-essential” is posting this. Hilarious.

THIS is where about 30% of your tax dollars go: to overpaid morons who contribute NOTHING to education.

Very soon, the LISD school board will yet again vote to give “everyone” a 5% raise. This will sound good to you, because you figure “teachers deserve a raise when inflation is 10% under Joe Biden”. Just remember two things:

#1 Teachers got a 7% raise in March of 2020 right before they got sent home for Covid AND inflation was around 3%.

#2 A hell of a lot of parasitic, libtard morons like Kathy Staruska will ALSO get a raise tacked on to her already-ludicrous salary for doing nothing.

The school board should be ashamed for hiring this moron in the first place.

List of Communists Infesting The Lampasas Area

#1 – Clayton Tucker – Chairman of the Lampasas Democratic Party and by FAR the biggest commie of them all. Works tirelessly to undermine the U.S. Constitution and destroy property rights. Has come out PUBLICLY in favor of: open borders, socialized medicine, ‘free’ college, $15 minimum wage, allowing young children access to pornography in schools, child mutilation. Lives with his mother at 208 S Western Ave, next to public library.

#2 – Grady Lucas – wears the “woke” badge proudly. Is a RABID anti-Trump nut. Cheers loudly as Soros communists like Alvin Bragg and Fani Willis invent charges to persecute a presidential candidate. Is a very vocal supporter of drag queens dancing provocatively in front of little children (he is gay himself).

PETRIFIED of Covid. Has gotten every shot and booster available – STILL got Covid. Chiding people to mask up in August of 2023. Type of cunt who would report you to the authorities for forced vaxxing.

Thinks he is come kind of genius…not sure why – he is unable to fend for himself and moved into his mother’s house after he put her in a nursing home. He then ran a GoFundMe scam to “fix up my mother’s house” implying an old lady needed help, when it was actually HIS house. Lives at 805 N Ridge St (Norma Banta listed on property rolls).

#3 – Bruce Haywood

#4 – Stephanie Fitzharris/Janet Yoder-Crazier

#5 – Christine Seefeldt

LEDC Meeting Today Is Open To All – Of Course, It’s At Noon When People With Real Jobs Have To Work…

The good news? You don’t have to sign up for Zoom to watch the LEDC discuss how they will spend their hundreds of thousand of tax dollars. You can actually attend the meeting at the $1.5 million dollar Fish Bowl IN PERSON today!

The bad news? There will NOT be an audio or visual live-stream or recording using the City’s $96,000 no-bid A/V system they paid for last year. Oh, and the meeting is at noon.

Yep. Noon.

I guess that’s cool if you have a government Nerf job posting #idiocy all day long. But for those of us with jobs and/or who own small businesses, it’s just a wee bit ludicrous.

The kicker: every single meeting in 2019 was at 5:30pm. The January meeting this year? At 5:30pm. The Feb meeting this year? Also at 5:30pm [page 3]. They were too scared of the sniffles to have a March meeting.

Every meeting in 2018 was held at 5:30pm also. Pretty much EVERY meeting in the sad history of the LEDC was at 5:30pm….until today.

So, it makes total sense the meeting is now being held at noon, right? What a bunch of d-bags.

I would love to know what the hell Mike Cour is going to “present” to the LEDC. Guess I’ll have to wait until June 17th to read the crappy, VERY brief minutes and make my best guess. Absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable, how the LEDC hides in the shadows.

HOW will we all survive today if Mandy Walsh isn’t at ‘work’ reposting Facebook posts from Putters and Gutters and the gym onto HER LEDC Facebook page?? Commerce in this town may just collapse and die!!