Government Employee Cathy Kuehne is Seriously Deluded. Thinks She is a Small Business Expert

The delusions are strong with this one. I’m talking Julie Cain Landrum level of delusion.

In today’s Dispatch, Cathy Kuehne (who has been on City council for four years already) was asked to tell us about what she brings to the table as she runs for a third term.

After following her for four years on this blog, I can tell you with great confidence that the REAL answer to that question is an emphatic “nothing“…unless you count a lot of expensive screw-ups, ridiculous money wasting and hysteria about Covid.

She trots out her college major in Business Administration as proof of her business acumen. When you are in your 50s and still talking about what you majored in in college, you are seriously grasping at straws. Nobody gives a shit about that.

This is a woman who thinks spending $1.4 million to give the Hostess House a “facelift” so they can rent it out for $10,000 per year is a brilliant move.

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She claims that thanks to her 30-year-old BBA degree, “she learned what it takes to keep a business running efficiently and effectively…skills which I have applied to our personal business as well

What business is that? I thought you were a public school teacher for the last 30 years? Last I checked, you and your husband are full time employees of the Lampasas School District – pulling down a combined $126,000 per year nine months….PLUS benefits, sick days, 10 days of Covid leave IN ADDITION to regular sick leave (which is no doubt abused by everyone), all federal holidays, summers off and future pensions guaranteed. All to teach ‘art’, or something.

Is she talking about her “business” of taking photos of kids sports teams? I’d call that more of a hobby. You have no employees, no suppliers, no transportation costs, no exposure to massive price in creases of your packaging costs or shipping costs – and since you and your husband BOTH have extreme job security provided by the taxpayers, you could literally run that ‘business’ at a $10,000 per year loss and it wouldn’t hurt you a bit. It is a side hustle…NOT a small business.

Here are some REAL small businesses: Cherry on Top, Lampasas Beer Market, Bill’s Burgers, Copy Cat, M&M Butcher Block, Alfredo’s, Giovanis, Legacy Awning, PhoLicious, Putters & Gutters, Eve’s Cafe. THOSE are people risking their savings and dealing with 20 different issues every day.

You take pictures of little kids.

Oooh. That sounded a bit weird. Sorry.

Unfortunately, I think Kuehne has her sights set on being mayor someday. That cannot happen. She is part of the Talbert Faction of Cronies. This includes Misti Talbert (now wreaking financial havoc at the LEDC), TJ Monroe (current mayor), and Chuck “The Vampire” Williamson (who has his strings pulled by Monroe). It is an incestuous group that has squandered incredible sums of money over the last 6 or 8 years.

All remnants of the Talbert Faction of Cronies need to be pushed out of the Lampasas political body like a large bowel movement and flushed down the toilet. We need more council members who have actually lived in the real world and run a REAL small business. Zac Morris and Herb Pearce were a good start. Replacing Kuehne with Myles Haider (small business owner) would be a great continuation of this process.