Beta Male In Harker Heights Tomorrow

Fake Mexican and real parasite Robert Francis O’Rourke is visiting Harker Heights tomorrow – you know what THAT means!

Comrade Clayton Tucker (admitted socialist and Chairman of the Lampasas Democrats) is busy, busy, busy today! He’s trimming his chin pubes, cleaning out his man purse, polishing up the Baby Seal Mobile…..

…picking out his very best fake cowboy hat and practicing his selfie poses so he can get yet another picture with Beta Male O’Rourke.

Little guy with a purse LOVES the big fist!

He figures that if he takes enough pictures with enough useless, scumbag, parasitic politicians that something will rub off on him and he’ll achieve these lofty political heights as well. Unfortunately, that is unlikely when you are 5’7 and need shoulder pads in your clothes.

Beto and Beta male – together again!

I’ve got $100 that says we will see a new Beto/Beta photo together within the next 96 hours. Any takers??