Did I Just Accidentally Uncover ANOTHER Eco-Turd In The LEDC Packets?

Well, this sure looks familiar. ANOTHER supposed “recycling” company that claims they ALREADY have a processing plant here!

Processor Takes Everything From E-scrap to Aerospace

The article is about “Amermin,” which might be the worst name for a company I have ever heard. Who knows how much of this article is actually true and how much is bullshit. Because one thing is sure – they do NOT have a “main processing facility” in Lampasas, Texas.

So if they are lying about THAT, what else are they lying about? This REALLY reminds me of the exact same way Eco-Strong unraveled back in 2020.

We see that in the packets for the LEDC meeting this Wednesday, the LEDC his scheduled a presentation by Michael Gostomsky of Amermin.

Here is Michael Gostomsky. He’s been in his current role with Amermin for all of about 5 weeks.

My immediate gut reaction is that this is another bullshit, small-time operation with a con man or two involved who are already talking about BIG plans when they have absolutely nothing really going on yet. They SURE as hell don’t have a “main processing facility” here in Lampasas yet. Sounds like a bullshit press release to try and raise funds.

So what’s the plan, LEDC? Bring in a “recycling processor” who promises dozens of jobs 5 years from now, but for now we need a big open space to dump our junk waiting to be “processed”? Oh, and we’ll pay the sorters a whopping $15/hr, which is pretty much what everyone else pays now – so you are basically violating the LEDC Prime Directive of “high-paying” jobs already.

Then again, the LEDC is extremely desperate to get ANYONE in there and Misti Talbert has all the negotiating skills of a quasi-retarded border collie.

Should be interesting.