Idiot Socialist Bleats For “More Money” For Failed Government School Monopoly. Quotes Article Written By Random Clown Horn.

Local braindead socialist Clayton Tucker HATES monopolies. Unless, of course, you are talking about the government-run school monopoly. He is all on board with that failed monstrosity.

The problem (according to every socialist pushing every failed government program) is that they just need MORE MONEY!! Naturally, they ignore train wrecks like the Chicago public schools or the Baltimore schools where they spend upwards of $32,000 per student and only about 7% of the kids can read or perform basic math.

Wow. DOCTOR Michelle Rinehart! She must be super smart! Just like DOCTOR Chane Rascoe! All those letters after her name!

Turns out, Beverley Michelle Rinehart has only been the superintendent at Alpine ISD for two years. She is paid $154,000. My first suggestion is to take a pay cut and dole out the money to the REAL teachers, because all you do is polish a seat and admire all the useless letters after your name, you twat.

Before that, she was the Assistant Superintendent at Rankin ISD for a grand total of one whole year, making $70,000 per year.

[So…Alpine ISD is SO wise with taxpayer money, they decided to hire some moron chick with ONE year experience at Rankin ISD as the assistant super and decided to more than DOUBLE her salary from $70k to $154k. Cry me a river about how tight money is!]

Before THAT she was hiding out in the warm womb of being back in school to get her doctoral in Education Leadership (2019 to 2022) which sounds like some nice, made-up bullshit title that actually means jack shit. I’m unimpressed.

Before she wasted three years in school getting more letters after her name, she was a “consultant” for an organization called the “Education Service Center” (region 18) which seems to essentially be a big government-funded, make-work bullshit job. A place where tax dollars go to die and no results are to be had.

The good doctor then lies about funding being “stagnant” since 2019! She says it right there in the article. She ignores completely the $190 BILLION the feds handed the schools during Covid. She also ignores the BILLIONS the state of Texas blew “shoring up” the teachers pensions – which were clearly badly mismanaged. That is no fault of the taxpayers, it’s the fault of the retards running the pensions.

This is bald-faced bullshit. It took me ONE try to find a highly-paid teacher at her school who most certainly HAS been getting raises all along! One Jonathan Glenn Fellows made $97,713 last school year. Remember: that is for NINE MONTHS of work. Not exactly the “poor, struggling teacher” she implies in her article.

In 2019 he was making $89,252.

I’m no super duper genius with “doctor” in front of my name and “EdLD” after my name, but that is pretty close to a 10% raise by my math. So right away, we see that she is a liar, and therefore a piece of shit in my book.

Then we have Nathan K Struthers, who is an “occupational therapist” – a job that doesn’t sound like teaching to me but sounds like a parasite. That guy made $92,498 last school year.

In 2019 he was making $86,284. Looks like about a 7% raise to me. Of course, if Alpine ISD were REALLY struggling financially, all the parasitic fuckers like Nathan K would be fired on the spot.

They also have at LEAST SIX “educational diagnosticians” which is another bullshit parasite job which is NOT a teacher. They all pull down about $66,000 too! ALSO for only 9 months of work. That translates into over $85,000 per year when multiplied by 1.33 to account for summers off. Boo hoo.

Are you seeing a pattern yet?

Let’s take a look at the “poor underfunded” Alpine ISD, shall we? Here was their last budget.

Only about HALF that budget goes to actual “instruction” – the rest is a lot of bullshit.

“School leadership” is $617,000?? I’d chop that tomorrow. Gone.

General administration and data processing is close to $1.2 MILLION? Are you shitting me? For a tiny school district of only 970 kids? You are doing something wrong, dipshit.

As I’ve recounted many times on these pages, my grade school had about 250 kids in grades 1st through 8th. We had ONE principal (with a paddle) and we had ONE secretary who did NOT have a computer but a stinky mimeograph machine. She managed to take care of the “administration” of a school with 250 students.

TODAY, with supposedly high-productivity computers and Internet and all that shit, I would think MAYBE two chicks would be able to do that same job for 970 kids (4x more than my school had).

I’ll even be super conservative and say THREE chicks. Pay them each $90,000 per year for all this “administration” and “data processing.” BAM – I just saved you over $900,000.

See how easy?

Oh – and the good “Doctor” Rinehart also didn’t really detail the $575,000 donation they just received a couple of months ago, did she? How did she spend this windfall? On a lot of magic beans and stupid shit, of course:

“This donation is an incredible vote of confidence in the amazing things that our staff make happen every day in Alpine ISD,” Superintendent Dr. Michelle Rinehart said. “We are honored to be entrusted with this donation, which we will use to continue the legacy of excellence and stewardship we are known for in our district.”

Additionally, $300,000 of the donation will be paired with $280,000 in grant funding to install new playgrounds at Alpine Elementary and at Alpine Middle School. Plans include a new, age-appropriate playground for the PreKindergarten programs, as well as near complete overhauls of the playgrounds for Kindergarten through 2nd grades and 3rd through 4th grades.

“Some of the playground equipment at Alpine Elementary dates back to the 1960s and has served our community well for generations,” Rinehart said. “We’re thrilled to be able to update these play spaces for the children of Alpine thanks to the generosity of the Brown Foundation.”

[Oh no! Playground equipment from the 1960s! The horror! Those dangerous old monkey bars and tires sunk in cement I used to play on in 1976! We better get some new, expensive super safe bullshit in there and maybe some recycled plastic mulch that costs $80k or something!]

Upgrades at Alpine High School include updating the kiln and etching press used in the art programs, which date back to the 1970s.

[Yes, kilns are definitely a priority in this day and age! Not math or science or writing but kilns!]

Upgrades at Alpine Elementary School and Alpine Middle School include the installation of interactive instructional boards in all elective classrooms, the installation of digital signage throughout the building to share announcements and celebrate student accomplishments, and a retrofit of the marquees out front of each school. Due to the manufacturer going out of business, the Alpine Elementary marquee on 5th Street can no longer be updated. Similar technical issues have impacted the marquee at Alpine Middle School, which no longer functions correctly. Both marquees will be retrofitted with new technology as part of this project.

Ah yes! Fancy electronic signage and marquees are a MUST HAVE!

You see, dumb broads like Michelle Rinehart (who have NEVER worked in the private sector and who think money grows on trees) always confuse WANTS with NEEDS. When times are tight, you buckle down and stick to the BASICS. Fuck your $250,000 football scoreboards. Fuck your electronic fancy signs for announcements. Fuck your fancy kilns. Your FIRST priority is quality instruction in important subjects like math, reading, writing and science. Everything else is icing that you WANT but don’t really NEED.

One thing is sure: throwing more money at a failed model isn’t the answer. School vouchers are. The very school vouchers that scumbags like Clayton Tucker are vehemently against.