Cost For City Employee Health Insurance Likely to Pop Again This Year. Finley and Gump Will Ignore That During Salary Begging Sessions.

There were a few nuggets in the “City Manager report” this week – which for some odd reason was neither discussed at City council nor even placed in the packet in paper form this month. I had to specifically request it – for the first time ever.

But here is the blurb on City health insurance…

Staff will meet with representatives from Leavitt Group, the City’s benefit advisors, on May 30th to review the status of the City’s 2025 renewal. Typically, the City will begin to assess possible rates for the coming year in May, primarily by review of the claims to premium ratio, in preparation of the FY 2025 budget. Early indications are that claims may exceed premiums, however; our provider will also include future months, which may improve the ratio.

It’s hard to believe this when the City pays about over $2.5 million per year for health insurance already (there are currently 117 full-time employees). Somebody sure is racking up the medical bills, I guess.

I have my suspicions on the root cause of all those expenses. They tend to come to mind every time I see someone at the City council meeting podium with an ass over three feet wide.

Remember, the premiums ALREADY jumped 13% LAST year.

National Health Insurance Premiums Rise 6% – But City Rates Went Up 13%!!

Don’t expect the well-paid City managers to consider any of this when they go before council and demand another 5% raise across the board for everyone in July. That’s because all the benefits and pension matching the taxpayers pay for “doesn’t really count” in their heads.