Clayton Tucker Already Begging For Money – Socialist Moochers Always Gonna Mooch

Wow – THAT didn’t take long. As you can see, socialist weasel Clayton Tucker has repurposed his previous campaign templates and inserted “Lampasas City Council” so he can beg for money from the masses. Here is an email that arrived yesterday morning:

What kind of MORON thinks it is impossible to apply for a job in person??? Jesus.

He is absolutely shameless about lying, as you can see. Whether it’s trying to pass himself off as an “energy policy expert” [column 4 and 5], pass himself off as a rancher, or pass himself off as a “working man” the lies come very easy to this socialist parasite.

He even manages to lie in this fundraising letter: “the margins are tight”? Really? I’m unaware of any polling for the very minor race of Place 1 Lampasas City council…so how do you know the margins are tight, you little weasel?

I’m starting to think this is how the weasel moocher lives full time! His resume shows a distinct LACK of real jobs over the years. How the hell does he pay the bills? Phone, cable, gas, insurance, groceries….that shit costs money!

When he ran against Dawn Buckingham last year, records show he raised $105,314 but only spent $58,611. Soooo….where did the other $46,700 go, Clayton? Is that how you live? Mooching off of others? You can’t dip into that $46,700 to buy an ad in the Lampasas Dispatch for your City council ‘campaign’? Instead you have your tin cup out on the Internet?

What an unbelievable worm this kid is.