Houston Police Baffled By Murder/Suicide At Rice University. Asks Anyone With Information To Contact Police Homicide Division.

You cannot make this shit up.

As far as crimes go, a murder/suicide has to be one of the easier ones to clear. The guy who did it is lying next to the victim in his own pool of blood. Yet the geniuses at the Houston Police Department just cannot seem to figure it out….

I’m no detective, but I should have been. First you look in his pants for ID. Then you check all her social media accounts for pics and mentions of this guy to get a name. Then you ask all her friends and family about who she was dating/banging. Then you get her fucking phone and see what the last 50 numbers were she called and see who those belong to. Jesus Christ. Seriously?

Worst case, you run his prints and then his DNA through the database and see if you get hits.

Now I am 100% certain this guy is black and I’m about 85% sure he is either an illegal or has a rap sheet.

What morons.