City Pays $7,500 For Grant Application That Was Never Submitted

Just a reminder: the same City council that refuses to cough up $10,000 or $20,000 extra to pay lifeguards a NORMAL wage this summer so they can open the pools ALSO wasted $7,500 on a grant that has yet to be submitted….mainly because Mike Cour of Eco-Strong is a scam artist and scum bag.

Mandy Walsh and the LEDC SHOULD have caught onto this parasitic loser immediately. But they didn’t. They were strung along for at least six months – completely clueless the entire time.

Of course, a random internet guy who is paid ZERO DOLLARS and who does this as a hobby (me) caught onto this shit bird IMMEDIATELY and posted it for all to see. Yet, they STILL never caught on.

Mandy REALLY earned her $100,000 on THAT whole thing, clearly.

So – another $7,500 down the toilet, right??

Vote out every incumbent on May 1. We need new blood on City council. Lampasas has suffered long enough the same group of 5 or 6 idiots running things into the ground.