Having waited…shaking in their cages since April, the scared Covid rabbits are all in a tizzy thinking the long-awaited “winter surge” is supposedly starting! That’s according to several Chicken Little/Scared Rabbits in town – like head rabbit and mask Nazi Melissa Johnson. Apparently some young kids have – gasp – TESTED POSITIVE!!

Of course it’s not going away! It’s WAY too good of a boogeyman to keep the morons and rabbits in fear and easy to control. These libtard worms NEVER let a crisis go to waste. Talk about a perfect boogeyman: an invisible “killer” that could be anywhere! You probably have it and don’t even know! The horror!!! Better listen to all of our mandates…or else! You could not dream up a better boogeyman if you tried.
These kids ‘tested positive’ on a ridiculously over-sensitive test that amplifies dead RNA fragments FORTY-TWO TIMES! These kids aren’t gasping for their last breath in the hospital. They aren’t dragging themselves to the ER. Most of them probably feel perfectly fine, because a “positive test” means NOTHING. Ask Nick Saban about that:
Nick Saban: I Feel Fine. Not Concerned About Covid
Nick Saban is 69 years old…and clearly NOT a pussy or a scared rabbit. Neither is Jack Nicklaus – who ALSO had Covid and is EIGHTY YEARS OLD. Luckily, he didn’t listen to morons like Stephanie Fitzharris and instead took HCQ to help him recover perfectly.
Oh no! A seasonal respiratory infection that tends to increase in the winter? And can be deadly to the elderly and infirm? You mean kind of like influenza?? Actually, Covid is FAR less dangerous than the flu to the under-70 crowd.

So – the scared rabbits are quaking because some kids in school tested positive! You know – those exact same schools where they force everyone into masks, spend gobs of money of Plexiglas, gloves and Lysol, and don’t let little kids hold hands or share food. THOSE schools.
First of all, what does that tell you about all your precious precautions? It tells me they are useless against a tiny virus that is less than a micron in diameter.

The virus is gonna virus. You cannot stop it. These kids should be allowed to go about their day as they have for the last 250 years – mask-free. Let them build herd immunity. The virus IS NOT A THREAT to the under 20 crowd. NOT AT ALL.

For people like Melissa “Mask Nazi” Johnson and Jane Lopez who are incapable of reading graphs or comprehending basic math and stats, the above chart means this: for every 100 deaths that occur in the under-20 cohort (that means “group”, Melissa) there are NINETY-NINE that are NOT from Covid. That includes auto accidents, suicides, overdoses, falls, choking, cancer, etc.
Of course, all these stats assume we have had 225,000 Covid deaths – which anyone with a brain knows is a total bullshit number itself.
Some kids testing “positive” in the local schools means absolutely nothing. Get over it. If you are ELDERLY and/or morbidly obese, then you have some decisions to make and risks to weigh. Luckily, the ELDERLY aren’t in high school or even in the work place. They are mostly retired and can sit at home in their space suits all alone watching Wheel of Fortune until they die of heart disease if they are THAT scared.
Other, more rational elderly humans might decide that they are willing to take the small risk of dying a bit earlier while still enjoying a normal life. They might actually want to hug and be around their grand kids and feel that a slight increase in the risk of death is MORE than worth it. I know I would.
But those risks are up to THOSE AT-RISK PEOPLE to weigh. NOT for idiots like Melissa Johnson, Julie Landrum, Lee Morey, Hubert Humperdick or Christopher McDaniel to impose on you against your will.
Do NOT listen to the scared rabbits and the Chicken Littles. They have been wrong about this from the start. If they had their way, we’d all be in cages and in space suits since those are “totally safe”.
Fuck you, Melissa Johnson. I will NEVER trade freedom for a temporary false sense of security.