The good news? You don’t have to sign up for Zoom to watch the LEDC discuss how they will spend their hundreds of thousand of tax dollars. You can actually attend the meeting at the $1.5 million dollar Fish Bowl IN PERSON today!
The bad news? There will NOT be an audio or visual live-stream or recording using the City’s $96,000 no-bid A/V system they paid for last year. Oh, and the meeting is at noon.
Yep. Noon.
I guess that’s cool if you have a government Nerf job posting #idiocy all day long. But for those of us with jobs and/or who own small businesses, it’s just a wee bit ludicrous.
The kicker: every single meeting in 2019 was at 5:30pm. The January meeting this year? At 5:30pm. The Feb meeting this year? Also at 5:30pm [page 3]. They were too scared of the sniffles to have a March meeting.
Every meeting in 2018 was held at 5:30pm also. Pretty much EVERY meeting in the sad history of the LEDC was at 5:30pm….until today.
So, it makes total sense the meeting is now being held at noon, right? What a bunch of d-bags.
I would love to know what the hell Mike Cour is going to “present” to the LEDC. Guess I’ll have to wait until June 17th to read the crappy, VERY brief minutes and make my best guess. Absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable, how the LEDC hides in the shadows.

HOW will we all survive today if Mandy Walsh isn’t at ‘work’ reposting Facebook posts from Putters and Gutters and the gym onto HER LEDC Facebook page?? Commerce in this town may just collapse and die!!