Really. I’d love an answer. How long are we going to tally the fall of every sparrow? Another month? A year? Forever? Why not add in cancer deaths? Or pneumonia? Maybe start one for heart attacks too?
I thought 20 active cases was the magic number. We are under that. Why are we STILL yapping about mask mandates and social distancing? It’s all a joke. I expect Big City liberals to push this horseshit, but not small-town regular folks who should know better. The fact is that all the masks and social distancing in the world will not stop a force of nature like this virus. If it’s your time to get Wuhan Flu, you’re gonna get Wuhan Flu. Time to accept that:

According to the Radiogram today, during last night’s City Council meeting (which I missed due to illness but will go through soon) it was stated that:
“As far as businesses in the pandemic, owners can call the police on people who do not follow the mask mandate orders. Officers will explain the rules, and customers can either comply or risk citation.”
That’s a good one! What “mask mandate orders” are those, exactly? The ones that are supposedly in effect when we are OVER 20 active cases (which is a number Abbott pulled from his anus)? We’re currently under the magic 20 number….right? Not that it matters when we are dealing with legally questionable “mandates” and NOT an actual LAW.
Also, for the 100th time: MASKS DO NOT WORK!!! Take it from the experts linked HERE.
I got news for you: it’s highly unlikely that these “mandates” are legally enforceable. Governor Abbott is not God on the throne. Nor is he king. We have a legislature that represents WE the PEOPLE who are required to vote laws into effect – not a king who makes “mask decrees”.
If you’re going to call the cops and if the cops are silly enough to try and enforce this horse shit, I would ask right away “please show me the law I am violating. When was it passed? How does it read? How did my Representative Brad Buckley vote on this law? What about my senator? How did she vote on that law?”
It’s going to awfully hard to do that, because there ISN’T ANY LAW for this. Governor Abbott had his 31 days of emergency powers. They have come and gone a LONG time now. Either bring these “mask mandates” to a REAL VOTE by our elected officials or stfu about it already. It’s as simple as that.
Why did elected officials decree mask mandates, especially if they are questions over whether they can be enforced?
Wouldn’t a proper course of action have been to strongly recommend mask usage to the public instead of stitching together mandates that divide Texans?
“I encourage folks to wear a mask; I also encourage them to eat their vegetables,” Dallas County Commissioner J.J. Koch said when Dallas commissioners enacted Abbott’s mask mandate against Koch’s and Commissioner John Wiley Price’s objections.
“But I cannot put a guy with a gun out there to enforce either.”
Who is going to be a REAL LEADER in Lampasas government and have the balls to say “enough is enough – let’s get on with our lives. We can’t let a cold virus grind our lives and economy to a halt just because a small minority of mostly liberal morons like Bruce Haywood and Melissa Johnson are totally inept at math and statistics and thus afraid of their own shadows”.
Who? Will it be you, Misti? Mike White? How about you, Randy Clark? Do any of you have the balls to stand up and LEAD instead of buying into this faux “leadership” of reporting silly-assed numbers like the ones above every other day?
Posting tallies is not leadership. That’s being a secretary.

Only SIX PERCENT of “Covid deaths” have JUST Covid-19 listed as the only cause of death. The other 94% had SEVERAL additional conditions, on average.