Mayor Looks At Our Statistics Bass-Ackwards

“You know who you are”? Who? The CDC? The Texas Department of Health? The coronavirus worldometer web page?

My goodness. It’s ‘nosy’, sweetheart. I sure hope all our City correspondence gets spell checked before it’s sent out into the real world!

Anyway, I hate to break this to you, but all these Wuhan flu stats are reported all over the place – including to the CDC and the state health department. Being ‘nosey’ [sic] has nothing to do with it. No wonder it’s always so hard for me to get information from the City about your expensive no-bid contracts: you probably think I’M being ‘nosey’ trying to find out about all the tax dollars wasted. Gives us a glimpse of your world-view, I suppose.

I would look at the above and state it quite differently:

“Look at our great news: 98.76% of our county has NOT contracted Covid! Also, 99.91% of our county is NOT currently an “active” case! This is despite a huge majority of people ignoring our stupid mask mandates in real life (as they should!). But that won’t stop me from letting people call the cops on you and try to fine you money! It won’t stop us from making your child strap a diaper on their face every day at school and breathe their own CO2 and warm, damp bacteria cultures! You know why it won’t stop us? Because we are HUGE on virtue signaling and doing things that make us FEEL good even though they have ZERO basis in fact! We LOVE making our kids miserable for no good reason! Oh, and we’ll be shutting down half the football stadium for the same nonsense reasons! Yay for us!”

THAT’S what you are REALLY doing.

Speaking of ignoring mask mandates (as I have done since May 1st), I am happy to report that once you get past the mask nazis at Wal-Mart, you can feel free to take your mask off and shop like a normal human instead of a leper. I do it all the time. Wal-Mart employees are trained NOT to get into conflict with you. Wal-Mart corporate office doesn’t want the liability of a crazed anti-masker beating up or shooting their employees. That opens them to lawsuits.

SO – go ahead and take that mask off if you want. If a worker says anything, just tell them “I have a condition!”. If they ask what my condition is (which is illegal under the Disabilities Act) I just tell them “my condition is my IQ is over 75” and just keep walking.

Eventually, perhaps life will return to normal and the lunatics will no longer be in charge of the asylum.

Lampasas County Covid Reporting Is Very Shoddy – PART I

I’m sure we’re all used to seeing these ‘updates’ from the Mayor every couple of days:

Sorry to disappoint, but I’m going to sling my big, fat, meaty opinion around like a weapon here and say that Lampasas Covid reporting SUCKS!

That’s right…..SUCKS!

Oh, I know Misti: you’re “just passing this all along from Dr Hay”. Yes, I know. You can take credit for the ‘leadership’ of ‘keeping us informed’ but also deflect blame for the poor quality of reporting and mountains of details left out.

In the early days, we at least got a LITTLE BIT of detail.

Yes – it took over SEVEN MONTHS for our county of 22,000 people to log our first fatality. A man roughly 14 years past the average male life expectancy and already infirm. A deadly plague indeed!

We got a rough age, gender and ‘nursing home’ indication. Not a bad start!

Naturally, I kept a record of all this. Here is what we gleaned about fatalities – the absolute MOST important data point when it comes to weighing the cost/benefit of destroying the economy to fight this ‘deadly plague’:

Male in 90s – nursing home (7/21/20)

Female in 70s (7/28/20)

Male in 80s (7/30/20)

Female in 80s (8/3/20)

Fatality #5 – no age/gender reported. No way to know since the actual report by Mist was “we lost another precious soul over the weekend” – (8/10/20) – and that was it.

In the August 17 report, the “active cases” cratered from 30 down to 17….which is UNDER the magic number of “20” needed to treat us all like prisoners.

Then….WEEKS passed with our “fatality count” stuck at 5 and our “active cases” stuck at 17. We can’t have that! It’s doesn’t reinforce the “deadly plague” narrative that keeps Bruce Haywood huddled under his bed and poor little 10-year-old kids breathing their own CO2 and bacteria in a mask. SO, on August 24th, we got TWO random fatalities added:

Somebody was in another county when they got sick and died there? Seems to me that should count in the other county, but such is the bizarre and crappy system we have. Mind you, that ‘out-of-county’ death is 12.5% of our total fatality count now. ZERO information on age – which is AGAIN very shoddy, in my opinion.

Fatality #8 – no age or gender given (8/26/20). Misti THEN reported that “5 of the 8 fatalities were residents of our nursing homes” – which could not possibly have been deduced from the previous public ‘updates’ so who knows how SHE found out but WE didn’t. More evidence of shoddy and incomplete reporting.

Bottom line, 62% of the fatalities are nursing home patients. Nursing home patients who VERY LIKELY had several other significant issues going on (comorbidities). At LEAST 3 of the fatalities were people OVER 80 years of age. Due to Lampasas County crappy reporting procedures and lack of information on fatalities #5,6,7 and 8, I guess we’ll never know more than that.

In a nutshell: attention to detail in reporting went straight into the toilet after fatality #4.

We remained stuck comfortably under the “magic” number of 20 active cases for a while again. Once again, we can’t have that! Suddenly, EVERYONE was advertising FREE testing of the easy oral type (not the deep, painful nasal penetration type).

Saturday August 22, 2020: the Radiogram, Lampasas Dispatch AND the City Facebook page and mayor are ALL trumpeting FREE Covid tests at the fire house in the days prior to August 22nd. According to the report read at City council (August 24th), “70 tests were given and results should be known in 96 hours” – which would have been August 26th. Nine days later in the 8/31 report, we are still at 20 active cases (see first photo of this post).

So what now? What kind of Covid reporting SHOULD we expect – nay, demand?

We have Governors acting like kings making decrees and weak local government going along without question. We have libtard morons snitching on any businesses not bowing down and following the idiotic mask “mandates”. We have little kids (who are more likely to get hit by lightning than die of Wuhan Flu) wearing unhealthy, bacteria-laden masks…or WORSE – not going to school at all and instead “remote” learning!

When we have allowed ALL those terrible losses of freedom due to irrational fear, that tells me The Powers That Be have done a very SHITTY job of convincing the citizens with FACTS and STATISTICS that this is an issue ONLY for the very elderly and infirm at best – and NOT a reason for the draconian ‘mandates’ we currently suffer under.

Reporting the REAL numbers and facts tells us that at MOST we maybe have had ONE death in our county of TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND that could truly be considered “out of the blue” and happened to someone tragically too young (if you consider 60 years old young) The others were so elderly and/or infirm that SOMETHING was going to cause their death soon anyways. I don’t mean to sound callous or flippant, but those are the FACTS.

Part II coming soon – where you can see what EXCELLENT Covid reporting looks like from right next door: Burnet County.