Back from a week vacation and ready to rip Covid Cult morons to shreds once again.
The silence is DEAFENING from the likes of Heath Bishop, Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris, Melissa Johnson, Bruce Haywood, Lola Barnes, Karen Spivey-Cummings, Julie Cain Landrum and the rest as Fauci’s emails are released to the public.

Oh, what’s that, Fauci Muppet? If you feel perfectly fine you DON’T need a mask? Gee. You don’t say.
It’s been a hell of a week. While I was away, more and more studies have concluded that (1) lockdowns did NOTHING to prevent the virus spreading, (2) masks are ineffective and (3) The “lab leak” theory appears to be more and more likely and there is evidence Fauci buried it.
NOW, we have Fauci caught red-handed lying over and over again. Thank God for Judicial Watch and all their FOIA requests. I think I’ll donate yet another chunk of money to them today. They are a fantastic organization.
What do you mask loons like Covid Rat Julie Cain Landrum have to say NOW?

An apology would be nice. Even better would be to put you in the stocks in the town square and throw rotten tomatoes at you for the weekend, you absolute loser morons.
But no. All we get is crickets. I don’t think they are even embarrassed about being so wrong all the time. They are completely unaware of their own idiocy.
Very sad.