Masks Don’t Work – Yet More Evidence

More ‘proof’ for the Branch Covidian mask cult that you are wasting your time with your mask nonsense. Somebody forward this to “Doctor” Chane Rascoe, our $158,000 superintendent.

In today’s “masks don’t work” segment…LA, Orange & San Diego Counties all had different mask timing.

Orange county even tried to follow science & rescinded the mandate briefly…and yet, the curve was the same.

Also: the 7-day average peaked on almost the exact same day!!

How can that be?! Gee…it’s almost as if masks don’t work at all!




For The Branch Covidians and Mask Nannies:

I’m wondering what is the better public health message to fight Wuhan Flu:

#MaskUp + #StaySafeStayHome + #CloseTheSchools + #SocialDistancing


“Lose 20 pounds and take some extra vitamin C, D and zinc”

Hint: one option has many beneficial side-effects, the other option crushes souls. (It also doesn’t generate any income for anyone important, like Bill Gates or that fat pig Jay Pritzker)

But…But…But…The Nurses Wear Masks!

“But nurses have always worn masks all day.”

No! SOME wear them, for short stints.

Remember when nurses in Canada fought for the right NOT to wear masks, and an arbitrator heard testimony and sided with them, concluding masks were useless and the requirement unreasonable? True story.

It was waaaay back in 2015.

I know how much you lefty dummies LOVE the Canadian healthcare model. So you’ll be all over this, too….right?


Normalizing Muzzles

I noticed the following piece of idiocy making the rounds:

The mandatory mask nannies who post this garbage think they are being clever and making a point equating masks to other “minor inconveniences’. In reality, all the are doing is trying to NORMALIZE tyranny. If anything, all the other examples show exactly who HOW FAR the typical American has gone in letting the morons in government trample all over their rights! We all slowly became sheep over the years because of morons like the mask nannies.

If you are holding up the TSA making you take your shoes off as an example of “a reasonable request” then you are an imbecile of the highest order.

Let me dissect each example, if you have the time, dear reader.

No shoes, no shirt, no problem. This kind of falls under the FALSE claim that balloon heads like Bruce Haywood like to make: ‘their business, their rules!‘. They repeat that mantra like a mentally impaired myna bird. It’s not true at all. Just ask the baker who didn’t want to bake a cake for a gay wedding. Or ask the bar owners in Chicago who want to allow smoking in their establishments. Or ask any biz who couldn’t afford to become ADA compliant (thanks a lot, Bush!). There are a thousand ways the local, state and federal governments have their fingers up your ass when you own a small business. Just ask our local “Lampasas Beer Market” about that.

So no, it ISN’T ‘their business, their rules’ – that is a lie. But when it comes to wearing shoes or shirts in a store, I’m pretty sure that goes to a question of sanitation and human modesty. It’s the same reason we have bathrooms with doors on them and then little stalls inside with more doors. We don’t want people taking a shit in the aisle at The Corner Store. We don’t want to see your hairy ass or your shriveled penis. Or your disgusting filthy feet.

“Wear a seat belt or get a ticket” – the people say “no problem”? I don’t think so. I’m old enough to remember when these mandatory seat belt laws were introduced – and people did NOT say “no problem”. People went berzerk. Just like they did over mandatory helmet laws. As well they should. It’s nobody’s goddamn business if you wear a seat belt or not.

Does wearing a seat belt save lives? I happen to believe it does. I wear one myself. Not because the tyrants tell me to, but because I have seen mountains of evidence (REAL evidence – not made up Covid bullshit mask conjecture) that I have a better chance surviving a wreck if I do. I understand the laws of physics and the unavoidable outcome of a high-speed impact putting my face through a huge piece of glass two feet away. I’d prefer not to have that outcome.

For all those reasons – I wear one. I really don’t give a shit if you wear one or not. The cops don’t either – they just saw a MASSIVE revenue stream untapped. That’s it. Sorry, but it’s true. It’s more nanny state bullshit and it was one tiny step on the path to boiling us frogs.

OSHA says to wear safety goggles. OSHA is an agency in the federal Department of Labor. The federal Department of Labor is unconstitutional and should never have been created (thanks Nixon!). Gee – how did we EVER get along in this country for 200 years without the Department of Labor?? Bunch of useless parasites.

You know who SHOULD care about safety in the workplace? The workers and the business owner. More specifically, whoever INSURES that business. They have a direct financial interest in seeing nobody get hurt. If you want to be an idiot and not wear safety goggles, then the employer has every right to fire your ass for putting his insurance premium at risk. No federal parasites are needed for this all to work – just simple financial incentives. Insurance rates are calculated by very smart nerds called “actuaries”. They use FACTS and DATA to calculate the likelihood of certain outcomes. The mask douche bags do none of that. Their only “evidence” is saying ‘well, it can’t hurt, right?’.

That’s not good enough for me to give up my civil liberties.

You must be seated with a seat belt on and tray up during landing. A couple hundred people crammed into a sardine tin moving 500 miles an hour is a little different than me passing you for 2 seconds at Walmart while I may or may not have a cold virus that you have about a 500,000-1 chance of actually catching during that 2 seconds and even THEN a very small chance of dying from.

In the event of a crash, people need to be able to MOVE QUICKLY to get out. Tray tables in the down position and imbeciles’ bodies strewn all over the aisles prevents that. Quite frankly, I think those rules are ridiculous in the first place, considering the odds of a plane crashing are astronomical. But morons like the illusion of control. Far MORE dangerous, in my opinion, is letting morbidly obese manatees get on the plane in the first place. No way you can move 500 pounds of blubber out of the way when it is between you and the exit aisle.

TSA rules about shoes and belt buckles. Absolute idiocy and bullshit. We all know it. We all KNOW the TSA is populated by cretins who were too stupid to become a real cop and even too stupid to work at the post office.

For almost TWENTY YEARS we have been taking our shoes off for nothing. It is all theater. The TSA is as good as useless at finding guns and knives.

Including the TSA in this idiotic example only weakens your argument. Because that’s what the mandatory mask police bullshit is: it’s the TSA all over again. I said THREE MONTHS ago that this mask shit will never go away. I said, AND I QUOTE “This will be like taking your shoes off at the airport – a huge pile of useless bullshit with zero benefits”

The only difference is the shoe thing sucks for about 8 minutes a year. The mask thing will suck all day, every day. Forever and ever. We have the moron mask nannies to thank for that.


HHS stats:

TX ICU usage is currently 77.9%

TX hospital usage is currently 70.62%

Percentage of inpatient beds with covid is 18.38%

Thus, the percentage of overall capacity that’s covid is 12.98%. So this would seem to be yet another breathlessly predicted crisis that failed to materialize.

Where are those Chicken Littles shrieking about “hospitals being overrun”? Yeah, that’s what I thought.

You might want to listen to the people who actually run the hospitals – and not some panicked, cherry-picked 27 year old doctor who has to walk back his hysterical comments. This is not their first rodeo – but it IS the first one many of you have watched. Keep that in mind.
