Wearing masks (Biden DOUBLE MASKED!).
While eating.
Both have been vaccinated.
Far more embarrassing than anything Trump ever did. If you voted for this clown, you are part of the problem.

Exposer of Waste in City Government – Destroyer of Marxist Lice
Wearing masks (Biden DOUBLE MASKED!).
While eating.
Both have been vaccinated.
Far more embarrassing than anything Trump ever did. If you voted for this clown, you are part of the problem.
Gee – who’d have thunk it? Certainly not the “experts” like Fauci or local health “authorities”. Certainly not an assortment of local dingbats like Melissa Johnson, Hubert Heath Humperdick, Bruce Haywood, Gregory Thompson and other loud-mouthed mask nazi idiots.
Dr. Fauci Can’t Explain Why Texas COVID Cases Keep Dropping Despite Reopening.
We have certainly had no shortage of dunces literally screaming bloody murder when Abbott dropped the mask mandate last month. Let’s revisit the doom and gloom from back on March 3rd:
Joanna and Jim? You are exactly WRONG. YOU are the actual clowns. Go sit in the corner wearing a big red nose – and stay off social media for a few years.
So is 20-something retard Cade Snyder:
ManWhalePig isn’t only wrong, he’s never been right! I’d ask for a refund on your useless recent “degree”, Heath! Looks like your fancy school still can’t give you a brain:
Time for the schools to wake up too – or maybe they need a lawsuit to wake them up? End the ridiculous (and EXPENSIVE) useless hygiene theater. Drop the mask mandate. Get your heads out of your ass and admit you were WRONG!
Fauci has deep psychological issues. He’s a compulsive liar and media whore. He’s the little boy crying wolf to get attention. Nothing but lies for over a year now.
Median Covid death age is 80 – ABOVE the current life expectancy.
More deaths from suicide than Covid in people under 30 year of age.
Over 85% of all Covid deaths are associated with obesity/being overweight.
Lockdowns were pure vile evil lies
Kary Mullis – Nobel Prize winning inventor of the PCR test: “Dr Fauci doesn’t know anything about ANYTHING…and I’ll say that to his face”
An Austin imbecile asked a question of our mayor the last week:
Gee…don’t ask me. I’m just the mayor!
Michael Duvall is a Bernie-Sanders-loving clown horn, but he raises a good point: all of the stupid mask rules and sports rules are a mish-mash of shit that contradict each other. What’s stopping this “deadly plague” (LOL!) from slipping into our town via those possibly plague-carrying bastards from Brownwood?? Hmmm? Hmmmm??
Here is the current situation, as I understand it:
Football players are on the field for hours in very close contact with a lot of other guys. Sweating, breathing hard, tackling, etc. But no mask needed! They get a pass….even though those SAME high school students were forced to wear a mask in the classroom a few hours earlier. The classroom where they are NOT rolling around on each other in very close proximity. Makes ZERO SENSE.
Hmmm…maybe because it’s absolutely retarded to make an extremely low-risk group (in-shape and under 75 years old) wear a device that will restrict air flow and reduce performance. Fair enough – so then why am I forced to wear a mask at my gym???
[You’re not supposed to ask common-sense stuff like that. Just shut up and obey, you sheep]
Well, they might say, the gym is INSIDE and the football field is OUTSIDE.
OK, then why are you making all the poor bastards in the stands WEAR MASKS?? They are outside, after all! Makes ZERO SENSE.
Anybody have an answer for that? Anyone? Bueller?
Of course, the only reason Michael Duvall is a mask-loving dummy is the same reason evident in 98% of other mask-loving dummies: he is a Trump-hating lefty. That’s all it takes these days. No science. No facts. No evidence. Just be a Trump-hating commie pinko lefty and it’s almost 100% guaranteed you are also going to be a pro-mask dummy as well.
Weird how that works, right Bruce?
If you need two masks to feel “safe”, then you can wear both of them.
Also, a lot of pro-mask people like to ask “would you let a surgeon operate on you without a mask?” as if this is somehow a clever ‘proof’ that masks work. The answer is no, I would not let him operate on me without a mask.
Of course, I also don’t walk into HEB with gaping, open surgical wounds either.