Local Ignoramus Whines About Supreme Court “Packing”

Packing? No, no, dear boy. It’s called “filling a vacancy” and it has been done since the beginning of our republic. Trump is president for FOUR years…not three – despite the best efforts of scumbags like Obama, Biden and Clinton to invalidate the 2016 election.

“Packing” is what the scumbags on the left are going to do if they get back in power. They cannot win so they change the rules. If the Marxists take over next year, watch for all SORTS of “packing”. They will expand the Supreme Court from nine justices to 11 or 13. They will push to give statehood to D.C. and Puerto Rico – thus adding more rabid liberal senators. Mark my words.

It occurs to me this all could have been avoided if the sickly, wrinkled, power-hungry gnome named “RBG” had just retired at ANY time during the 2008 to 2016 time period. But no. She just assumed Hillary would win, so she clung to power a little longer – like all the sociopaths in high office. If you want to cry and whine to somebody, go cry and whine to RBG’s corpse, you hipster doofus moron.

Not only do we owe the libtards NOTHING, we relish watching them choke on this confirmation. Payback is a bitch, and what a beautiful creature she is.


** UPDATED 10/20** – Don’t take MY word for it. Take the word of Jonathan Turley…an ACTUAL constitutional scholar.

“It is logically and constitutionally absurd to call the filling of a vacancy on the Court as form of “court packing.” It does not increase the size of the Court and is done in complete conformity with the constitutional framework.”