Well, well, well. The mighty Industrial Park agreement is officially deader than Dillinger. No distilleries, no microbreweries, no barber shops or food trucks or dog parks or anything else!
In case you forgot how ridiculous the pipe dream was, here is a reminder from a couple years ago:

Gee – who would have guessed that everyone was high on Covid stimmy farts back then and none of this would ever actually happen?! Not me, of course!
So just to be clear, here is how it all went down:
#1 – Martin’s proposes some pie-in-the-sky to Mandy Walsh WAAYYYY back around November of 2021. It includes nonsense about food trucks, a park, a distillery and lots of other pipe dreams. I predicted immediately that none of this would ever happen. See HERE and also HERE.
#2 – October of 2022: The City quietly blows $45,000 preparing the park for Martin to create his “RV and Boat Storage” ‘business’ which would employ zero people. I had to dig a bit to even find out about that. About $38,000 was spent clearing the concrete and another $7,000 was paid to the City’s hack attorney J.C. Brown to draw up some boilerplate terms.
#3 – Precisely zero boats and RVs were parked there for most of the first year. There was plenty of other junk piled in there, however.

#4 – August of 2023: Martin’s decides to open a ‘cigar lounge’ – but does it on the town square instead of the Industrial Park as originally suggested. LOL. Squarely punching Finley in the scrotum with that move.
#4 – February 1, 2024 deadline comes and goes without a peep from anyone. I ask the City AND several City council members what is going on, since MRC is now in violation (again) of their agreement. I wait over FIVE weeks for somebody to figure out what’s going on, exactly.
#5 – March 6, 2024 the entire thing is officially dead, according to a City council member. In his words: “I can now tell you, the lease will be terminated.“
Incredible! SO in essence, the City blew $45,000 in order to make $1,200 in rent – and they are still stuck with the property. That sounds about right.
Just wait until they spend $2 million on the Hostess House “upgrade” to make $12,000 a year in rent! They’re geniuses, I tells ya!
I’m sure the Business Pork will turn out WAY better than this! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA.