What Fresh Hell Is This?

Is this a bad joke? Janet “Crazier” Crozier the local recycling and gardening loon is now the face I have to see when I log on to my bank account????

First my bank hands this nut job $5,000 for her “community garden” – which is $5,000 more than they have given me in TEN YEARS despite me having a fairly decent balance there the entire time.

Yes, ZERO dollars in interest over 10 years. But the failed Life Coach who thinks autistic children are clairvoyant and who has blown about $30,000 on this garden already gets a $5,000 gift.

The world has definitely gone crazy.

P.S. – if you are looking to get MORE than the crappy -0% interest offered around town, be sure to read my post on linking your bank account to Treasury Direct – where you can buy T-bills DIRECTLY at auction and get almost FIVE PERCENT right now!!

That is a RISK FREE 4.9% right now on 6-month T-bills. I’ve been doing this for the last few months. I-bond rates are also very fat – almost 7% right now.

Michelle D Moore-Rodriguez Is The Worst Kind Of California Locust Scumbag

There is nothing worse than a locust who moves to Texas from a liberal, high-tax state then tries to implement the same failed libtard policies here and “turn Texas blue”. I detest these locusts with the white-hot intensity of 1000 suns.

It’s even WORSE when the moron locust ADMITS they left their previous state due to “high cost of living” because that means they have identified the problem but are TOO STUPID to make the connection. Christ – a six-year-old child knows better.

I thought our own Janet Yoder Kraeff-Crozier was the worst offender (moved from Ohio to Austin and then Austin to Lampasas because “we couldn’t afford Austin”).

THIS locust “gets involved” by badgering City council to implement expensive recycling schemes and waste resources on a “community garden”

But there is a NEW Top Dummy who takes all the cake.

This moron’s name is MICHELLE D MOORE-RODRIGUEZ and she ticks ALL the scumbag locust boxes.

She first appeared on my screen a few weeks ago by publicly lambasting all Trump supporters as KKK members:

Oh! I get it! HO HO HO! Never mind that if Trump were REALLY a raging ‘racist’ and there was the tiniest shred of proof, the audio loop or video clip would be on auto-repeat on every news outlet in America. But it hasn’t been. So there isn’t any such proof. The only ‘proof’ is that Trump tried to enforce immigration laws ALREADY on the books and keep out ILLEGALS.

Naturally, a moron of California locust Michelle D Moore-Rodriguez’s caliber cannot make the distinction between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration:

So, I despised her immediately. I’ll admit, the hyphenated last name didn’t help either. So I went digging to see what kind of moron we were dealing with. Turns out, a CALIFORNIA TRANSPLANT moron! Shocker!! Not only that – she worked as a government bureaucrat IN A TAX COLLECTION AGENCY!!!! She is LITERALLY the problem HERSELF! What an absolute CRETIN!

What an absolute BAG OF SHIT you are, Michelle D Moore-Rodriguez. Instead of moving here, why not just head keep on driving and head on up to New York City? Or perhaps over to that shit hole Portland Oregon? You’d be much happier there with the other “woke” crybabies and douchebags.

Instead, you come HERE to Texas and spend ALL day on Facebook whining about how horrible we all are. If America is such a hopelessly “racist” place, why are DROVES of people from other countries trying to sneak in here? Morons like Michelle can never figure that one out.

She can’t even get her insults straight! I’m pretty sure she meant “uneducated” here…but is too stupid to check her work before posting it:

No Michelle – YOU are the shit show. You and your fellow commie, pinko libtards. PLEASE do us all a favor and head BACK to Commiefornia. We don’t need your brand of stupid here.

The face of the idiot left and California scumbag locusts everywhere

THESE Are The Geniuses We Are Dealing With

I have profiled Janet Yoder Kraeff-Crozier several times on these pages. She is a loony locust from Ohio (and later Austin) who has been doing her best to implement a costly and useless recycling program here in Lampasas.

THAT was bad enough. Oh how I long for those days.

NOW, naturally, she is in the “WEAR A MASK” camp, like most brain-dead liberals (*cough* Julie Landrum *cough*). Let’s take a look at her other beliefs….because I ALWAYS take scientific Wuhan Flu advice from a loon who thinks autistic kids are clairvoyant and who believes in numerology, astrology, psychics and bullshit crystal energy healing.

Oh, and who spells pivotal as “pivital”. Yes, she checks all the boxes. She is a typical poster child for the boot-licking, mask-loving libtard group.

Maybe because you are painfully gullible and stupid?

THESE are the types of people who are out there yammering about the hospitals being overrun and ICUs “at 90% capacity!”. They are brain dead. Don’t buy into their nonsense!