City Council Extends Lockdown to April 30th. Unless You’re a Church. Then It’s OK To Gather In Crowds

Never thought I’d see a meeting where Mike White was wrong and Kathy Kuehne was right, but these are crazy times indeed.

The issue? Allowing churches to flout the lockdown that everyone else is suffering through and allow them to hold ‘parking lot services’, whatever that means. Apparently on-line services are not good enough, according to the likes of Councilwoman Delana Toups. The congregation all HAVE TO BE ALLOWED to drive to the parking lot and sit in their cars watching…with the engines off (and presumably windows up to prevent viral spread), according to Finley.

Ironically, Delana is a public school teacher currently conducting classes five days a week over the Internet (LOL)….and that appears to be ‘good enough’ for her. Yet watching a religious service over the TV or Internet once a week just won’t cut it. Very weird.

But here is my big question: will the churches be allowed to “pass the plate” and collect money from everyone in their cars? NOBODY on City council asked that all-important question. Because if they DO, that kind of defeats Misti’s big plan that the rest of us are suffering to implement.

Call me a cynic, but I suspect the reason the churches want a parking lot service in the first place is because when people watch online, they can’t hand money to the guy with the basket or plate! Easter Sunday is this weekend and I bet those churches would be missing out on a LOT OF CHEDDAR!! It’s the Super Bowl of religious days and the churches want their cut.

I know, I know…I’m an asshole for even thinking that. But hey – 12 years of Catholic school taught me that the church is like any other business except they push guilt and then sell salvation….all while avoiding property taxes! I’m thinking of starting one myself, as a matter of fact.

But here’s the thing: I’m personally NOT religious at all…BUT I still enjoy attending services at Putters and Gutters or Memos on Sundays. Vodka is my god and greasy food is my communion….and I am being DENIED my right to congregate and worship! Yet the other churches are allowed to operate. I don’t care what you believe or where you congregate to hand over your money – but I’d like the ability to do the same.

Delana Toups is just fine with this hypocrisy. Oh well, at least the stupid Tree Police idea has been forgotten for the moment!

Mayor ‘Pendulum’ Swings Too Far The Other Way Now

Oh the irony.

A mere nine days after whining on Facebook that social media was making a mountain out of a coronavirus mole hill, Mayor “Pendulum” Talbert has swung way too far the OTHER way and announced (on her hated social media, no less!) that the tiny town of Lampasas (population density 1000 people per square mile) is now on lockdown – just like New York City.

FYI, New York City has a population density of about 28,000 per square mile AND has HALF of all coronavirus cases in the country right now. So a lockdown there makes total sense.

Talk about hysteria!

All “non-essential” businesses are now closed. Of course, the list of ‘essential’ businesses is long and distinguished. Like my schlong. So not much has REALLY changed except hair dressers and barbers are getting a big fat shaft. I guess Mayor Pendulum needed to look ‘mayoral’ and DO SOMETHING…even though the state has already put guidelines in place that seem like MORE than enough to most people.

I’m thinking this act of ‘hysteria’ and unnecessary EXTRA orders on TOP of the Governor’s orders will mark the peak of panic for this whole episode. Italy is already seeing a small drop in the rate of daily deaths. I think the thing she doesn’t understand (math again!) is that fully HALF of the cases are in New York City. And most of the rest are in Washington and California. In terms of cases PER CAPITA, Texas is already doing extremely well with the measures taken weeks ago. So Mayor Pendulum’s actions sure seem ridiculous and unwarranted…and are angering a few people!

Poor Mayor Pendulum…wrong TWICE in ten days!