Evidence Piling Up That Local Socialist Clayton Tucker Is Actually a Woman. Twelve Pieces of Proof:

Apparently Clayton Tucker wants to mock the right…

Re-education camps? Where does the loony left get this insane shit? If ANYONE should be worried about fascist assholes sticking people in camps, it’s OUR side. It wasn’t very long ago that libtarded Covid Cult lunatics were suggesting all the unvaccinated people be forced into quarantine and prohibited from flying or crossing state lines or leaving their houses.

Remember that? And their biggest cheerleader was a chink from communist China – the very country that unleased that virus on us.

You want mocking? I’ll give you mocking. It is now Mock Socialist Clayton Tucker week.

How is this for mocking: I think you are actually a woman.

Clayton Tucker USED to put her “preferred pronouns” on her Twitter page, but that has disappeared recently. Is this a subtle hint? Or did she FINALLY get it through her thick, unemployed skull how absolutely ridiculous and off-putting that woke shit is around these parts?

Old page demanded you say “he/him/his”

Then it went away….

From pronouns to NO nouns. Weird!

ALSO notice that she quietly removed the part about being a cowboy. I guess merciless ridicule and exposure of truth will do that. Of course, she STILL insists that she is a rancher…which is another lie we have exposed and will continue to mock repeatedly.

But let’s look at the other evidence….

Drives a Chevy Equinox – a girl’s car. You may as well be driving a Mini Cooper or Mazda Miata.

Uses Apple Pay – only chicks do that.

Depends on a man (his dad) for a place to live.

208 S Western is Dad’s house. Real men don’t depend on other men to provide them a roof over their heads. Real men also aren’t “political organizers” pussies are.

Dresses like a lesbian at hemp fest – complete with purse.

Writes a check to pay for an oil change – like an old lady at HEB.

Uses an app to keep track of fasting and posts it all over social media like a 14-year-old chick with an eating disorder…

190 pounds is quite heavy for a midget!

Dresses his pet dwarf animals up in hats like a 10-year-old girl dressing her Barbie dolls…..

Publicly takes those stupid on-line Facebook and Twitter “tests” that are about as real as your horoscope (which is also a chick thing)…

Poses in front of vehicles that aren’t his to take selfies – pretending they are his. Kind of like chicks do.

Declares his birthday on social media…just like girls do.

And the most recent (and most damning) fact: Uses the adductor/abductor machine at the gym. I shit you not. I couldn’t remember what that thing was called after I saw him using the “girl machine” – so I had to look it up. It’s THIS thing…

All I know is that in 25 years of going to dozens of different gyms, I have NEVER seen a male use it….until recently when Clayton hopped on and used it while browsing on his iPhone. If you can browse on your phone while “working out”, you are not working out. That’s ALSO a chick thing.

EVERYONE knows that machine is (1) targeted at women and (2) is a piece of shit that doesn’t work. So not only are you a woman, but a very dumb one at that!

What’s up with that Clayton? You trying to spot-reduce some saddlebags or something? Jesus Christ. What’s the matter – didn’t want to use your mom’s Thigh Master at home?

There is no generation more sad and useless than the millennial generation. A bunch of lazy, wussy soy boys.

More mocking of Clayton Tucker will be coming soon…..